Monday, October 7, 2013


Just so you are aware
Daytime bugs are smaller and less likely to fly into your face then the bugs that are around at dusk.
Dusk bugs are larger and tend to fly right into your face, up your nose, in your eye, or worst of all in your mouth!  I'm not sure why the dusk bugs have such difficulty avoiding your face/nose/eyes/mouth.  One would think since they appear at dusk they would be visually capable of seeing with less light, this apparently is not the case *she says as she picks a bug from between her teeth*

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Out For A Sunday Pedal

Rode 10 miles today - down to Hwy 90 then on the way home a spin around the tiny park
The 'good' knee was acting up so I wrapped it up and rode anyway
The wind was more of a pain then my knee!
I could really get used to the lower temps
Why do lower temps come with more wind?
When you pedal with the center of your foot it makes your thighs hurt
I was so happy and stress free on this ride - well cept for the thighs hurting part
Such a beautiful day - bikers, joggers, dog walkers littered the streets and sidewalks - we were all over!
Cooler temps make everyone feel outdoorsy