Sunday, March 16, 2014

Tour de Houston

Woke up at 5a, it was so early even the dogs looked at me like "WHAT are you doing?! Go back to bed!"
There was no going back to bed, it was time to get ready for Tour de Houston!  Today was the first time I was riding the TdH and only my second organized ride.
Got to City Hall around 7:15a - 70 degrees, gray cloudy skies, and the threat of rain
The 60 milers left at 7:30a 
40 milers next, then 20 milers (that's me!) all got underway in waves.  
By 8:15a my wave was on the road.  I was so excited I almost cried (I get wound up about simple stuff).  This was a distance I knew I could accomplish - the weather was going to be the challenge.  As we took off I wondered just how different this ride was going to be from Tour de Cure since this time I was on a bike designed for these kind of rides.  
We rode up Smith to Lamar then onto Allen Parkway - it was all ours, blocked off to traffic. 
Get this, I. Was. Passing. People!  
Passing people instead of being passed?! 
Before I knew it we were at Kirby and Westpark - I had traveled 6 miles in less than 30 minutes! New bike made it so easy!  As I traveled down Westpark it suddenly hit me - there was a HUGE hill between me and the next turn in the route.  Must admit I got a little stressy, didn't want to have to get off my bike and walk some of the hill.  The hill was now in sight *gulp*  Shifted gears and hit it with all I had, made it 3/4 of the way up then...really...slowed...dooooown, but never stopped.  I gutted out that last 1/4 of the hill, so proud of myself when I reached the top - my reward, the downhill side of course!  FLEW down the hill (even better than bein silly at the Skeeter's parking lot!). Right on Sage, right on W Alabama, left on Post Oak - rest stop in sight!
10.5 miles completed in under an hour! 
Found a spot with folding chairs and relaxed for a bit.  Why was I sitting when I just spent all that time sitting on my's a different kind of sitting, trust me!  
Relaxed, ate a snack, text my progress to family and a few friends, posted progress on FB, and about wet myself when there was suddenly a very large flash of lightning. Crap!  10 miles between me and the end of this ride and the rain was rollin in. Time to leave the rest stop!
The fact that I was staying with the pack AND passing people continued to tickle me (told ya I got wound up about simple stuff)  Down Post Oak to Loop 610.  I got to ride on the feeder road of 610 for about a mile!  Now you may not think that's cool but I sure did! (again, it's the little things)  Off 610 to Woodway for a few miles.  All was well til Westcott (about mile 15).  It started raining. It wasn't a hard rain so I didn't bother stopping to put on my rain poncho - this would turn out to be a bad choice.  I didn't bother with the poncho cuz it wouldn't keep my glasses clear or my feet and butt dry and those were the parts of me I wanted dry.  Temperature was dropping, I was on Studemont with two miles to go - no worries.  Then the real rain came, there was no avoiding the puddles, I could feel the water sloshing around in my shoes!  I was soaked to the bone, regretting not putting my rain poncho on.
1 hour and 45 minutes after starting, I was finished - 20.53 miles with all my splits between 4:30 and 5:30 min/per mile.  GO ME!
I didn't bother hanging around and checking out the different merchants tents in the rain, I was soggy, uncomfortable, and tired - time to get in the truck and go home.
Now, where the hell did I park?!  I knew it was Lot C problem was I had no idea how to get back to Lot C! Rode this, not familiar.  Rode back that, not right either.  I wanted to cry, I just wanted to get out of the rain!  Rode down to a police car - they will know...they didn't know! Really?!  "I think you go this way but after that I'm not sure" Thanks officer, heaps of help.  Rode down the way he said and stopped at the next police car, he was able to give me directions, I was two turns away WHEW!  I don't think I have ever been so happy to see a parking lot!  Got everything loaded and situated then just sat in the truck and had a Yea Me! moment. 
Cranked up the heat and thanks to my awesome Tour de Cure travel mug enjoyed a warm cup of coffee on my way home while wondering if there was a ride in April I could sign up for.