Friday, July 31, 2015

Three Majors

Went out on a bike ride this morning with the intention of only going 6-8 miles due to the heat index already being at 87° when I left the house at 8a!
Instead I ended up going 16.10 miles
How did this happen you wonder?
I'll tell ya - after the first two and a half miles almost all of my ride was in the shade.  Shade makes you forget you have to finish the last two and a half miles in the sun!
Today was kind of a landmark ride - I crossed three, count 'em three, major highways not once but twice!  90, 59, & 6 were today's lucky highways.
After crossing 6 and heading up Lexington Blvd by First Colony Mall on my way to Sweetwater Blvd a guy walking along the sidewalk called out to me "Excuse me! Please help!"  I slowed down and got out of traffic (but didn't get off my bike in case there was a need for a quick get away). He asked if I knew where the hospital was.  I pointed to the building just behind the mall (probably a good mile or so away).  He thanked me and introduced himself.  We talked for a moment longer, Douglas couldn't figure out how he got so twisted up.  I have a sneaking suspicion it had something to do with the liquor I smelled on his breath, but hey, I could be wrong! He thanked me again and told me I was awesome for stopping to help.  I told him it wasn't a problem glad I could help - we said goodbye and went our separate ways.
I rode along till MapMyRide informed me I had gone 8 miles. I snapped out of my happy haze "What were you thinking Govan?! You know full good and well the last two and a half miles are going to be hella hot!" I chastised myself.  Oh well what's done is done - nothin left to do but go home.  Made the U-turn just before Sweetwater Blvd and headed back.  The traffic on the highways had really picked up - made me glad I had traffic lights to work with!  Safely across 6 I headed to Williams Trace, made my left and got to 59. What was an easy cross 25 minutes earlier now took two steps - one light to get across the northbound and one light to get across the southbound.  Have Mercy!  
I was getting tired, I'd gone 10 miles only stopping for traffic lights and Douglas, of course.  Finally there it was, the bench that I had promised myself I'd stop at IF I went further than the five mile mark before turning around to head home.  I was at 11.5 total miles, it qualified as further.  I sat across the street from waterfront properties dreaming about one of those homes being's not the beach but it is water! Sat for a good 15 or so minutes before forcing myself to trudge on.  OK yeah, so it wasn't that bad but I still wasn't looking forward to that last two and a half miles! 
Got across 90 with no issues - now on my side of Sugar Land and a little over a mile of shade left it was time to push, cept I was kinda out of push - I was more in pedal for a while then coast mode.  NOT the way to get home and out of the heat.  
There it was, the end of the shade *sad face*  
Now the test really began.  "Pedal Govan! Can't get out of the heat if you're not pedaling!"  I'm sure the couple walking past me thought I was a nut job but who else was gonna encourage me?  Right!
"Total distance 15 miles" said my app
"One more mile, one more! Damn it's hot out here! I've got this! Bet it's close to 100°.  Shut up and pedal girl! Pedal!"  Yes, it was all said out loud.
My subdivision!  Home is less than a half mile away - I'd made it!!
Take that hot weather!! *sticks tongue out and heads in the house for a nap*