Saturday, August 17, 2013

A True “Give A Mouse A Cookie” Moment

-Texting with a friend
-Rex starts barking
-Go see why Rex is barking and decide to go out and play with the furs
-Come in from playing with the furs see the coffee maker, now I want a cup of coffee
-While making the coffee I see the bread and think a piece of toast would taste good
-Put a slice of bread in the toaster walk past the dishwasher and see the green ‘clean’ light is lit
-Start emptying the dishwasher *toast pops* while putting the pots and pans away I see the cupboard needs reorganizing
-Reorganize the cupboard and get pots and pans back in their ‘correct’ places
-Grab toast on the way back to the dishwasher, reach for the jelly in the fridge – no jelly
-Walk over to the pantry and grab a new jar of jelly, can’t help but notice a few things on the 'wrong shelves' *Me OCD? Nah!*
-Again with the reorganizing but this time the pantry
-Back to my toast, jelly applied and bite taken
-Go back to emptying the dishwasher
-Dishwasher emptied, toast eaten, coffee poured
-Return to my phone and resume the text conversation
-Rex starts barking…

If You Give A Mouse A Cookie (read by Michael Harris)

Thursday, August 8, 2013

How Neece Makes Ginger Root Tea

Use any size piece you like - this size piece will make two batches for me

I use old 26oz pickle jars to hold my tea - I sip on it all day
I was taught to make this using a glass container with a lid - emphasis on the glass part...somethin about the tea reacting with the plastic and bein bad for ya...besides an old water bottle would fold in on itself when you add the boiling water!

Put 3 cups of water on to boil - now let's find something else to do cuz ya know a watched pot never boils!

Take out your honey bear - you will need him later

Peeling the ginger is a preference thing - if you do want to peel it use the edge of a spoon. Yes, the edge of a spoon (learned that in the cooking class I've been going to)
Once it's peeled (or not) cut it in half, then in strips - they do not have to be uniform in size

Keep in mind this is enough for two batches so you will only need half as much (or less depending on your tastes)
Put the ginger strips into your glass container.

Remember your honey bear? Grab him and drizzle some honey over the ginger. This is a "to taste" thing as well so start with a small amount, you can always add more later.  You can add lemon at this point too - I have never tried it so I'd suggest to add it in just like the honey, a little at a time.

Your water should be boiling by now

Pour the boiling water into your container, put the lid on, walk away.  

Let the ginger steep until the water cools a bit (like making regular tea).  Once it's at the temperature you desire take off the lid and enjoy!

Oh! You want to know what to do with the ginger strips in your container...leave 'em there, take 'em out - your choice.  Keep in mind if you are sipping on this all day and leave the strips in, the closer your container gets to empty the stronger the ginger flavor will be.  **add a fresh basil leaf to take some of the edge from the ginger

Using Ground Ginger
Measure 1/4 teaspoon of ground ginger into a heat proof mug or glass and pour 1 cup of boiling water over it. Cover with a saucer and let sit until cool enough to drink before straining. (I line a fine mesh strainer with a coffee filter to do so.) Sweeten with honey or sugar as desired. 

Info on Ginger Tea

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Too Hot - Had To Go Short

Not much to report this morning, the 6.35 miles went by rather quickly
- taking a shorter ride, while a bummer, was a good choice
- Wendy (neighborhood dog) does not like me on a bicycle
- Wendy runs pretty fast!
- humidity is the devil
- the old man who sits in his garage and watches traffic has upgraded from a lawn chair to a lazyboy recliner
- our neighborhood has no frictional drag, wind just whips right on thru!
- the construction crew must like big butts in spandex...I got a few wolf whistles this morning
- wolf whistles can make you feel cute
- our neighborhood has less traffic after 7a then it does after 7p
- key lime yogurt after a ride is surprisingly refreshing
- still love the flat - it makes for good time splits
- the lovely cool breeze that kicked up after my ride, where was it during my ride?! *shakes fist in the air and yells "You're not right right Mother Nature, you're just not right!"*
- the look on a dog's face when it runs out of leash while chasing me never gets old