Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Too Hot - Had To Go Short

Not much to report this morning, the 6.35 miles went by rather quickly
- taking a shorter ride, while a bummer, was a good choice
- Wendy (neighborhood dog) does not like me on a bicycle
- Wendy runs pretty fast!
- humidity is the devil
- the old man who sits in his garage and watches traffic has upgraded from a lawn chair to a lazyboy recliner
- our neighborhood has no frictional drag, wind just whips right on thru!
- the construction crew must like big butts in spandex...I got a few wolf whistles this morning
- wolf whistles can make you feel cute
- our neighborhood has less traffic after 7a then it does after 7p
- key lime yogurt after a ride is surprisingly refreshing
- still love the flat - it makes for good time splits
- the lovely cool breeze that kicked up after my ride, where was it during my ride?! *shakes fist in the air and yells "You're not right right Mother Nature, you're just not right!"*
- the look on a dog's face when it runs out of leash while chasing me never gets old

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