Tuesday, July 30, 2013

A Quick 5.5 Miles

Even on short rides in the neighborhood I learn a few things
- set the headlight to flashing OR the blue light on the frame to flashing, not both
- 5 year olds think I have a cool bike. No really, they said so.  "That bike is so cool!" exclaimed Child A "What kind of bike is that?" questioned Child B  "A really cool one!" answered Child A "Yeah!" agreed Child B
- a headlight and a flashing blue light on your bike makes you cool to 5 year olds
- my neighborhood is flat
- flat is fast
- my neighborhood is an endless wind tunnel
- nighttime dark is darker than early morning dark
- nighttime dark is kinda scary
- dark makes you not care about the wind
- need a new battery for my taillight
- busy streets are unnerving at night
- flat and dark make you pedal faster regardless of the wind
- logging a 5.10 minute mile pace makes you want to ride on flat in the dark again
- I do not miss getting chased by dogs

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