Wednesday, July 17, 2013

24 Miles! Go Me!

Noticed a few things while ridin today...
- I ride the way I swam in HS - for distance, not speed
- cloud cover, low temps, and padded bike shorts make you think you can pedal forever
- pedaling forever is overrated and I should know better
- my bicycle does not have a seat belt, nor is one required
- I need to stop panicking that I don't have a seat belt on when I see a police car
- Terry Hershey/George Bush park is home to lots of cardinals 
- cardinals are beautiful birds...unless they are dive bombing you
- now I know how the pigs in Angry Birds feel
- if you are walking for exercise you should not be able to carry on a phone conversation
- the walkers, joggers, and cyclists at the park before me missed a few spider webs
- I can do the Spider Web Ninja Dance and continue in a straight line...spider web ninja level improving
- there are way more hills on the Terry Hershey side of the park then I remember
- hills are evil
- changed gears more today then I have in the last 10 months of owning the bike!
- my butt's 8 mile limit has been extended to 24 miles (possibly further) thanks to my new bike shorts
- too bad bike shorts don't help with butt muscle pain
- it was a nice change riding without my nether regions going numb
- passing your vehicle makes you think "9 miles is enough for today"
- not giving in and pedaling on makes you proud of yourself
- well built men in spandex make the ride just that much better
- enough frogs croaking at once sound like small dogs barking
- being chased by an angry goose is worse then being chased by a dog
- having my butt wrapped in spandex bike shorts is probably what made the goose mad
- to the older gentleman - while I applaud you for getting out and jogging, this (makes circular motions with her hand in front of her chest) jigglin all over is upsetting, please put your shirt back on
- not taking the turn-around at Eldridge to avoid one hill resulted in two extra hills and an almost endless incline
- rain is very refreshing when you are hot and tired
- rain blowing at you while you are moving at 10 mph hurts
- rain makes seeing out of your glasses a bit of a challenge
- after two miles it is no longer fun to ride in the rain
- wished my truck wasn't four miles away when it started raining
- on cloudy days I should put a towel in the truck just in case the weatherman is right and it rains
- a washcloth sized rag isn't big enough to dry off with
- bike shorts slide on but must be peeled off

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