Sunday, July 28, 2013

16 Miles and Only One Stop - Yea Me!

- I forgot my playlist only lasts 12 miles
- restarting your playlist while riding, not as easy as one would think
- good to see I'm not the only one who does the "butterfly stretch" one leg at a time to adjust the crotch of your shorts while riding
- my surgery knee really hurt this morning...until the one legged rider zipped past me making me glad my knee was there to hurt
 - judging by the bazillion bike riders at the park, Sunday is the best day for riding (OK you're right I'm exaggerating, it was 2-3 less than a bazillion)
- eight miles without stopping is uncomfortable
- eight miles without stopping is even more uncomfortable on the return trip
- decided to eat a light breakfast before riding to see if having more than OJ in my system made the end of the ride any better
- note to self - go back to just OJ
- buzzin past my usual rest stops just seemed wrong
- I found the other turnaround on the George Bush side of the park system, it's at Fry road
- turnaround to turnaround and back should be 26-27 miles - my next goal
- new places to enter the park are still hard to find even with Google maps
- all the riding groups and pairs out this morning made me miss having a riding partner
- sign posted: Nature Area - Watch For Alligators   Seriously?!
- didn't take any chances, pedaled faster in nature area
- wonder if the people walking off the path 'in the woods' with the small dog knew they were in the nature area - probably should have warned them
- my thighs look great...while held in place with spandex
- start/finish was at the Harris County Precinct #5 parking lot - yes I had seatbelt guilt
- tandem bike riders really have their partner's back
- saw Sexy Spandex again today, boy he makes his bike look good!
- bet hubby would look equally as good in spandex *starts looking at Academy ads*
- Secret - strong enough for a man but made for a woman...unless she's on a long bike ride in 90+ temps, then it gets questionable.
- the swings have quotes from the families, benches have nothing
- Fit & Active sour cream & onion cracker crisps and coffee do not go well together
- hubby said my butt looks cute in my bike shorts.  I love him for lying to me!

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