Friday, July 12, 2013

Only 10.5 miles today

Observations from my ride today...
- while Eldridge Park is pretty, it's not the park for me
- W Airport & Burney have sidewalks
- to the lady in the blue tank top - while I'm sure your friends all tell you that you should be the next American Idol (why else would you be singing that loud out in public), I am here to tell you they are lying
- riding on a busy street isn't as butt clenchingly scary as I thought it would be
- the confused look on Anthony's face when I showed up with just my bike and used our house as my 5 mile pitstop was priceless
- my helmet makes a good shield against low hanging tree branches
- the city needs to trim some of their trees
- walkers & joggers outside of the park are kind, walkers & joggers inside the park...not so much
- while wonderfully refreshing, riding thru a sprinkler makes my glasses hard to see out of afterward
- it's impossible to clean off glasses with a sprinkler spattered shirt
- there are no 'love to fly in your face' large bugs on busy streets...guess they are all stuck to windshields instead
- the new wider shoulder on Burney gives me lots of room to ride without fear...OK OK with less fear
- most drivers make sure there is lots of room between me and them as they pass...cept for the Smart Car driver, but then again he was probably mad my bike was bigger than his car!