Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Things I learned/observations I made on my 21 mile ride this morning

-I need to stop talking about buying gel bike shorts and actually go buy them!
-The wind does not wake up until after 8:30a - after 8:30a, game on
-55/60 y/o women look ridiculous pushing their dogs in a stroller
-The dogs in the stroller looked embarrassed
-Cool weather makes you think you can pedal forever
-My butt has muscles I didn't know it had...and now they hurt
-While 10.5 miles ain't no joke, 21 miles is humorless
-A dragonfly to the face while traveling 10 mph is both scary and painful
-Doing the *OMG There's A Dragonfly On My Face!* dance will cause you to lose temporary control of both your good sense and your bicycle
-The Dragonfly dance is more dangerous than the Spider Web Across My Face Ninja dance

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