Friday, July 5, 2013

Things I learned in the pool today

- it is possible to feel hungover in the morning without drinking the night before
- our instructor will increase the workout based on what he suspects we did the day before
- 7a sometimes really is just too damn early to be awake and out in public
- we don't have the time or patience for prissy people
- worried about your hair and nails? our class isn't the place for you!
- we come together like a family when one of us gets hurt/sick
- men take longer to pick up the exercise routine
- overhead presses do not make the crick in your neck feel better
- equipment that falls apart makes you and the people around you giggle
- giggling makes the instructor work you harder
- we love to hate our instructor - he's the best!
- bein in the water always makes the day better
(OK yeah, it's not the beach, but I gotta take what I can get!)

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