Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Observations & lessons learned on my 14 mile ride today

-make sure your phone is charged before leaving home
-riders that talk to themselves sound ridiculous...wait...I talk to myself
-herons are crazy for whatever it is the lawnmowers at the park churn up
-even in the "I'm gonna die any minute" mode my phone will keep the MapMyRide app going for 90 minutes
-butterflies while prettier than dragonflies still make you do the "OMG! Bug on my face!" dance
-don't try to find a new entrance to the park without finding it on GoogleMaps first
-recumbent bike riders are nicer the second time they see you...probably cuz they know they have lapped you
-my butt has an 8 mile limit before it starts to hurt
-lip balm applied right before starting your ride catches and holds small bugs
-a ride without music...is long
-to the man with the unzipped riding jersey - I understand you are hot due to the thick carpet on your chest but nobody wants to see that! Zip it back up!
-herons at the park make you feel like you're in a scene from 'The Birds'
-gel shorts - not gonna talk about em cuz I still haven't bought em
-a ride without music makes me grumpy
-the last two miles of any ride over the distance of 8 miles are the longest two miles ever
-to the man in the red sleeveless riding jersey - Thank you, just thank you *closes eyes and visualizes him once again, swoons ever so slightly*
-the wind slept in until 9:30 then it was like the Devil had come out to play
-dragonflies are very active in the early morning causing me to look like I can't ride in a straight line

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