Saturday, June 29, 2013

Things I learned in class today...

-I'm very needy (cuz sayin I'm wanty just sounds ridiculous)
-I still 'need' a lot of the little gadgets
-I 'need' an ice cream maker
-I still 'need' the chop & measure
-I 'need' a vitamix blender - What? It's only $550-$700 depending on the model

-Real homemade ice cream is better then any "Homemade" ice cream I have ever brought home from the store (Yes Texans, even better then Blue Bell)
-The 'regulars' in this class have hysterical husbands - stayed laughing the entire time 
-The 11 y/o in the class has the kitchen gadgets I want *Spoiled much? she says in her jealous voice*
-Williams-Sonoma Brittle, Amaretti Cookie With Toasted Almonds is so flippin good it might just get me to spend the $19.95 they want for it...maybe
-Williams-Sonoma Salted Caramel Sauce while really good will not get me to spend the $15.95
-Friends that do have an ice cream maker need to check out William-Sonoma's ice cream/frozen yogurt/etc. recipes - very yummy!

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