Sunday, November 3, 2013

Wash Out

-18.25 miles - not a shabby ride, but not the ride I wanted to do
-Beautiful crisp clear morning (50 degrees cooler than the last time I was at the park)
-I remembered real quick how cold 46 degrees is while on a bike
-1st ride with the Alief Cycle Team
-ACT has a different definition of slow then I do
-I was able to keep up with the ACT...until we reached the actual path!
-Riding with no music and no company is tedious
-Riding with no music allows you to focus on how much your butt hurts
-Seeing friendly faces on the path as they pass going the other way makes you realize how incredibly slow you are actually going
-Mother Nature is a hag!  Yeah I said it, a hag!
-This is how she blocked me today!  The rains from Thursday morning combined with rain Friday night equaled a flooded, unsafe path
*angrily waves fist in the air and curses at Mother Nature*
-May be good the path was blocked - all the extra water along the sides of the path probably has the gators in the "nature area" rather active - zero desire to try and outrun a gator...ever!
-Turned around and rode to the Terry Hershey park side
-Wind decided it was time to BLOW
-Wind and hills do not match
-Wind and I do not match
-Wind doesn't match with anything!
-A bug that flies into your mouth can cause you cough uncontrollably
-Coughing is not always helped with a sip of water
-Spewing water all over when your cough attacks before swallowing is unpleasant
-Nobody being around when you spew your water makes it's slightly less traumatic
-Flying down the hills on the underpasses makes me feel like I should have a cape on
-Pedaling back up the other side makes me feel like I need a push
-Helmet hair extraordinaire!

Mother Nature has messed up my last three long rides with rain...using "The Rule of Three" this must mean everything will be perfect for my Tour de Cure Rain Check Ride next Sunday *fingers crossed*

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