Saturday, June 14, 2014

Tour de Cure Kick-Off Ride

We met at Memorial Bicycle World  - I was almost as excited for this ride as I am for the actual charity ride

I checked in and received my TdC Halo headband - of course I put it on right away.  Now my helmet felt different, wasn't being held up by a bandanna anymore since I had a "real" sweatband now  LOL
We rolled out and headed through Terry Hershey Park, suddenly we were all stopped - a rider had fallen off the path into a rocky area - while waiting to be sure help was on the way the rest of the 25 mile group had gone on (unaware there was an injured rider) and now they were long gone, leaving a lot of us with zero idea where to go next.  We knew we needed to go over to George Bush Park but after that...
Shortly after getting to the GBP side we ran into some of the 10 mile group, we were informed a ride marshal was at the police station (4 miles ahead).  We were off again.  We found the rest of the 10 mile group and spoke with their ride marshal who gave directions to the rest stop - I was the only one who was familiar with the area and the group nominated me the leader.  What?!  Ummm, OK.
We made it to the rest stop and none too soon - it was getting hot hot hot outside - the AC in the Katy Bicycle World store was a welcomed relief.  I sat, ate a snack, drank more water, and sucked up their AC for a good 20 minutes.
Time to head back.  As we got closer to the rides end I was feeling weaker and weaker from the heat, this had me wondering about September - if 27 miles was bothering me like this, what was 30 miles gonna do to me?  Made it back to my truck and sat in the AC for a bit before taking off - felt worlds better - and hey how wouldn't feel better when you're rockin this look?  LOL

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Bikin' It Out

Ever have one of those days where life has gotten you so knotted up you don't know which way to turn?
That was my friend and I today so we decided to bike it out together.  The catch - she lives way up north in Canada and of course I'm here in Texas.
It was decided since we couldn't bike it out together in person we'd take a few pics of our rides to share with each other.

My ride went something like this...

If ever there was an intersection that needed a traffic light this is the one!  Four way stop, two lanes each, complete with turn lanes at all four stops.  I come upon this lovely bit of road shortly after exiting my subdivision and getting on Burney Rd - it's the least favorite part of my ride.

Further down Burney at Voss we find Sugar Land's surface water treatment plant dressed up to look like resort.

Turning off  Burney onto Stadium Dr, around the traffic circle, and up to the Skeeters' stadium - it's now time to enjoy the two childlike moments of my ride.  The first one - down the hill & over the bridge at top speed! Yeah, I have to ride back up the hill but it's not bad and well worth it for that downhill ride.

The second one takes place once I'm back up the hill - I get to ride like a swerving lunatic down the main parking lot and back out onto Stadium Dr.  Don't worry, I watch for traffic.

I don't normally take a real rest break but today it was too hot not to!  So at the eight mile mark I sat in the shade and watched the wildlife flit around until I had cooled off enough to continue.

Back on the road I swung by and checked on "my" turtles. Poor fellas have lost most of their sunning branches.  Thanks to all the rain we've been having almost all the branches are under water and all kinds of debris has been churned up. (this was the clean area - one lone turtle sunning himself on the middle branch)

In an effort to stay in the shade as long as possible I did something I never do - rode on the sidewalk.  Along the way this inviting scene made me want to climb the fence and take a cool refreshing dip.

During my entire ride the sky was filled with fluffy clouds and not one of them ever blocked the sun! Rude!

After my ride I came to a few conclusions
1. I need to leave the house earlier
2. I need a white helmet
3. I enjoy morning rides way more then evening rides
4. I must remember sunblock
5. Bikin' it out really does help