Monday, July 28, 2014

End to End and Back!

It all started when Rex woke us up at 4a because he had to go outside. I appreciate him giving us the heads up but what a pain not being able to fall back to sleep!  At 5a I finally gave up and got back out of bed. As I piddled around I started thinking about a bike ride at the park, I mean as long as I was up I may as well.  Got dressed, gathered my gear, filled my Camelbak and my two water bottles, grabbed my bike and out the door I went...before sunrise!
As I was driving to the park I started getting frustrated with all the traffic...until I realized it was Monday (teacher vacation brain has a tight grip on me!)

As I was driving to the park I finished talking myself into riding the trail end to end and back. I failed last time but I also wasn't as prepared.  Finally at the park, gear on, time to roll out.

 The fog was thick and plentiful, the sun was struggling to break through, made me wonder if I was going to be able to see more than a few feet ahead of me once on the trail.

I rode my least favorite part of the route first - my glasses fogging over, hoards of gnats flying in my face, up my nose, and in my mouth (OK maybe not hoards but there sure were a lot!) did not help me like it any better.  I arrived at the Hwy 6 end of the route in good time, now to head back.

8 miles completed - worst part over - Score!  I rested at my starting point (Sheriff's Dept on I-10). Looked at my tracking app, I was makin pretty good time!  Rested and hydrated I headed out to ride my favorite part of George Bush Park - the 7 miles between me and the other end of the route.

Action shot LOL

So calm and quiet

The heavy dew made it look like some of these plants were floating on water

I get relaxed just thinking about this part of the park (a reward for pedaling that far)

Playin with my glasses while taking a break and enjoying the quiet

Back on the trail and I saw this - does that mean it's only going to be a small construction project?

 I made it! The S.Fry end of the route! To celebrate I rode on for another 1.5 miles down Highland Knolls before turning around and heading back

Cruisin back toward the truck I notice something in the middle of the path. Whatisthatohshit! A snake! And it was alive! Right there in the middle of the path! Head up and poised for battle! YIKES! You're darn right I came to a screeching halt!  No really, my brakes actually screeched...and apparently that was enough to scare the snake. He moved with the quickness into the bushes - once his head was covered he stopped. Guess he figured since he couldn't see me I couldn't see him LOL

The rest of my ride was uneventful - no more snakes, no gators like the signs kept warning me about, just the park's yard crew and an occasional jogger or a fellow cyclist.

Last year when I attempted this particular route I fell short and had to call my husband to come pick me up and drive me and my bike back to my truck. Not one of my finer moments.  This year was much better - route completed!  While this was not my longest ride it still gets marked as a big victory.  

Summer 2013
Summer 2014
Incomplete ride
Complete ride
20 miles
25 miles
2 hrs 20 min
2 hrs 5 min
Averaged 9.3 mph  
(6.5 min/mile)
Averaged 12 mph 
(5 min/mile)

Saturday, July 5, 2014

Neighborhood Ride

Due to last night's rain I didn't bother going to the park to ride this morning as planned cuz I knew a lot of the route I wanted to ride would be washed out
However, early morning rides on the main streets of the neighborhood do have their advantages
- you can ride at whatever speed you want and not be in anybody's way
- you have to follow traffic laws but don't have to use your bicycle manners
- you can stop and take a picture without getting that "OMG you are SO annoying" look
- you can explore new routes cuz there is always another side street to turn down
- you can get lost while exploring
- you can ride for a few miles before realizing you are more lost than you thought
- you get all excited when that last right turn puts you on a street you recognize
- you get amused by the odd wildlife you see in the suburban neighborhood

but best of all
- you don't get strange looks as you do Wii Dance dance moves to the songs on your playlist
- you can sing along to your eclectic playlist as loud as you want and nobody hears how off key you are...well maybe that one guy walking his dog did...