Saturday, July 5, 2014

Neighborhood Ride

Due to last night's rain I didn't bother going to the park to ride this morning as planned cuz I knew a lot of the route I wanted to ride would be washed out
However, early morning rides on the main streets of the neighborhood do have their advantages
- you can ride at whatever speed you want and not be in anybody's way
- you have to follow traffic laws but don't have to use your bicycle manners
- you can stop and take a picture without getting that "OMG you are SO annoying" look
- you can explore new routes cuz there is always another side street to turn down
- you can get lost while exploring
- you can ride for a few miles before realizing you are more lost than you thought
- you get all excited when that last right turn puts you on a street you recognize
- you get amused by the odd wildlife you see in the suburban neighborhood

but best of all
- you don't get strange looks as you do Wii Dance dance moves to the songs on your playlist
- you can sing along to your eclectic playlist as loud as you want and nobody hears how off key you are...well maybe that one guy walking his dog did...

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