Saturday, June 29, 2013

Things I learned in class today...

-I'm very needy (cuz sayin I'm wanty just sounds ridiculous)
-I still 'need' a lot of the little gadgets
-I 'need' an ice cream maker
-I still 'need' the chop & measure
-I 'need' a vitamix blender - What? It's only $550-$700 depending on the model

-Real homemade ice cream is better then any "Homemade" ice cream I have ever brought home from the store (Yes Texans, even better then Blue Bell)
-The 'regulars' in this class have hysterical husbands - stayed laughing the entire time 
-The 11 y/o in the class has the kitchen gadgets I want *Spoiled much? she says in her jealous voice*
-Williams-Sonoma Brittle, Amaretti Cookie With Toasted Almonds is so flippin good it might just get me to spend the $19.95 they want for it...maybe
-Williams-Sonoma Salted Caramel Sauce while really good will not get me to spend the $15.95
-Friends that do have an ice cream maker need to check out William-Sonoma's ice cream/frozen yogurt/etc. recipes - very yummy!

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Things I learned on my 10.5 mile ride today

- riders in the 30y/o and under crowd will not acknowledge you...ever
- wind still sucks
- riders in my age group will acknowledge you but only if your bikes are similar and the rider is female
- 10.5 miles still ain't no joke
- riders in my parents age group will not only acknowledge you they will smile as they do it (I like this age group the best)
- recumbent bike riders all look like my father and only acknowledge you if they are my father's age
- you don't have to do the spider web on my face ninja dance riding at the park
- 11 mph winds are stronger than you think (you think, not me, cuz I already know they are strong)
- you have to pedal 5 miles from the gas station on SH6 & Briar Forest to get to the best part of the ride...shade
- walkers regardless of the age or gender will acknowledge you with a smile, a wave, and a 'good morning'
- recumbent bike riders are way too serious while looking that silly - sit up for pete sake, you can nap later
- joggers do not acknowledge you - probably too busy bein in pain...least that's what their face joy there
- shade is awesome and makes you want to pedal faster
- the last 2.5 miles of my ride should count double since the wind was trying to push me backwards the entire way
- Starbucks tastes better when you earn it

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Things I learned this morning at Williams-Sonoma

- Tofu - not bad - willing to try more
- Leeks - I've been missing out! Adding them to the shopping list
- Celery - don't dislike it as much as I used to
- Finishing salts - who knew?!
- Gadgets - pretty sure I need most all the ones I saw today
- Chop & Measure - 100% certain I need that!
- Cucumber/Lime water - very refreshing
- New recipes - already made changes to them in my mind, just can't help myself!
- Artichoke & Lemon pasta sauce - I need to figure out the recipe, $17 is entirely too much for 24oz!