Wednesday, January 1, 2014

High Five

First ride of the new year. It was in the upper 50's and kinda gloomy with a bit of wind but off I went on my new bike.  Have I mentioned before how awesome this bike is?  
I have? 
Fine, I won’t mention it this post
I'd gone a bit over 2 miles and it started drizzling, I pushed on and by Jess Pirtle (3 mile mark) it had just about stopped. I went to the right into the Oyster Creek Estates and stopped in the cul de sac to take the above picture (been meaning to take it for months now) Just as I took off riding again the rain came back, this time with a bit more then a drizzle. Crap. I headed for home irritated with the weather for cutting my ride short.
As I'm riding home and little needles of rain were pelting my face I spotted two kids out riding and one was comin down the bike path I was goin up,  I eased out into the main traffic lane so we could pass one another with ease.  He had spotted me too, stuck his arm out and yelled "HIGH FIVE! HIGH FIVE!" shaking his hand in the air. I figured what the hell, wouldn't hurt to be silly, so I stuck my arm out and opened my hand and made sure I was close enough *SMACK* we high five'd and all I heard behind me was "Oh yeah! High Five!" followed by laughter.  
The rest of the ride while cold, damp, and shorter than I wanted wasn't that bad - pedaled on home with a smile thinking "Oh yeah! High Five!"

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