Sunday, May 11, 2014

CycloFemme 2014

CycloFemme - the ride that started it all
This time last year I was relatively new cycling and had never been on a group ride
This year I had several "bike shop" group rides and two major rides under my belt
I arrived and got signed in then stood around and waited.  I've gotten used to going to these things without a partner, bit awkward at first but then you find folks to talk to
I may just wear my OSU shirt to every group ride - it started conversation at the Tour de Houston and today at CycloFemme
Finally it was time to head out, got a good pace going then had to stop and wait for the rest of the group - this happened several times during the ride - I'm no pro and I know we had beginner beginners with us but geez louise!
New year, new route - we went through the Heights and rode some of the new bike path - it was wonderful, well OK wonderful if you exclude the hills and inclines! Ack! 
As we were cruisin the bike path we of course pass others out enjoying the morning - as we passed a couple joggers I hear O-H so of course I replied I-O (my OSU shirt strikes again LOL)
At the midway point we stopped and took a group photo

We rode through Downtown for a stretch - still tickles me that we get to do that!  This ride while shorter in miles was heavier in challenges (hills, inclines, traffic) I really felt for the beginners - had this been my first ever group ride it may have made me reconsider group rides!

The group I was riding with made it back to Happy Fatz in good time  - I parked the bike, got some coffee, drank the coffee, loaded the bike up, headed home...more groups from the ride still coming in! Told ya there were a lot of beginners!

I enjoyed myself and look forward to CycloFemme 2015 - maybe I can get my Mom to join me next year 

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