Saturday, September 13, 2014

Park to Port

The ride day started with me and my new socks oversleeping!

Yup, woke up at the time I had planned to be arriving at the park!  Thankfully the start time was a two hour window from 7a-9a so I didn't have to race down the foggy mist covered highway to get there.

Time to check in - volunteer directed me to go straight then to the right - I did this and ended up nowhere near anything resembling a check in station!  Now I was a bit panicked, time was ticking! Went back to where I started and asked a different volunteer this time - same directions except this time I saw the right I was sposed to take the first time (sharp right, not the curve right - makes a world of difference!)
Rolling up to the check-in station the drizzling rain got a bit heavier, still not a full on rain, but wet enough!

All set, rolled out and straight up a hill! A really BIG hill!  Got to the top but it was a true struggle. The drizzling rain continued.  The ride was pretty but would have been even better with some sun.
We arrived at the rest stop (Houston Ship Channel) soaked to the bone

Bike was tired...of being wet.  She prefers dry riding conditions, that's why we get along so well - we think alike 

After a snack and some rest it was time to head back.  The rain had finally stopped but by now we were all so wet, who cared? **note to self - never never never buy white bike shorts - that sight can not been unseen and you would never want to be responsible for doing that to anyone, ever!** 

With the exception of the rain (an that guy in the wet white bike shorts) it was a very enjoyable ride, and hey who wouldn't like a ride that ends with an offering of 

breakfast burritos...

and beer!  LOL

Time to head home (a view from the top of the hill we faced at the start of the ride and again to get back to our cars!) 

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