Saturday, September 20, 2014

Tour de Cure 2014

What a difference a year makes!!
At first I thought this year was going to go the same as last year - washed out
Thankfully after a week of rain, Saturday's weather was nice

This year's Rider's Village was as it should be - filled with sponsors and riders

Text my folks to let them know I was there and ready - Mom & Dad weren't going to make it out this year as Mom was still recovering from her surgery *sad face* We came up with a plan tho - thanks to Road ID I could send a link that enabled my folks to monitor my progress along the route - gotta love technology!!

Got myself situated, MapMyRide started, playlist pulled up, link to RoadID eCrumbs sent to Mom
We were taking off from a different spot, no idea why - didn't really matter to me, I was just excited to get going

This year I was on a bike that weighed 15lbs less than last year, I also had several group rides of various lengths under my belt - my confidence was high.  The miles flew by and suddenly it was time to turn into rest stop #1  What?!  That was SO easy!  Checked in with the folks, refueled, rested, got back on the bike and headed out.

NO WAY!  I'm at the second rest stop already?!  The miles were melting away - challenges I faced on the ride last year weren't even close to an issue this year!  I was feeling very much like a rock star!!
Checked in with Mom & Dad then chatted with some nice folks while we all refueled and rested.

I was so hopeful the last leg wasn't going to be as windy as it was last year - wind sucks the fun out of stuff!  It was OK for a while, then wind *sigh*  There goes my amazing stats, thank you wind...not.  This year I knew when the "homestretch turn" was coming up so as mile 27 ticked by I wasn't all freaked out like I was last year. Mile 30 ticked by - I wasn't at the finish, what?!  Man!  How much further?!  Finally I saw the big red arch over the finish - don't think I've ever been so excited to see an inflatable in my life  LOL  I'm riding in, crowd is cheering...WAIT!  OMG!  MOM & DAD ARE HERE!! They said they weren't coming, but they came!  I was so excited I cried.  What a great way to finish a great ride!

While on today's TdC ride I set multiple personal bests (and blew last year's ride out of the water!)
Ride Time - 2:35:15 (31 minutes less than last year)
Miles ridden - 31.03 (1.01 further than last year)
Average Pace (min/mi) - 5.00 (1.13 faster than last year)
Average Speed (mph) - 12.01 (2.22 faster than last year)
Highest speed maintained for a mile or longer - 15.5 mph (3.8mph faster than last year)

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