Saturday, October 18, 2014

Heroes Ride

or the Hills From Hell Ride as I have renamed it!

I innocently signed up for this ride thinking it would be like any other, my registration fee went to the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund - I get to ride through Big Thicket National Forest, others benefit - win win right? That's what I thought too...

Got to Conroe, checked in, geared up, prayer for the riders was said, off we went.
I'm cruisin along, enjoyin the ride, a few miles in I'm wondering why this has become a challenge to pedal.  Felt like I was fighting against the wind, except there was no wind!  Oh please don't let something be wrong with my bike! Stopped, checked my bike (as best as my "not a bike mechanic" self could) found no obvious problems.  Back to pedaling, back to fighting nonexistent wind.  Just as I'm thinking I'm losing my mind and the pedaling issue is all in my head, I can suddenly pedal with ease...I was going downhill. What? My imaginary wind issue was actually a gradual incline!  So subtle I didn't notice any difference (except the pedaling issue which of course til that moment I thought was my own issue)
I should have known then I was in trouble.
I hadn't seen anything yet!
Hills, lots and lots of hills came next - big "OMG I'm gonna die!" hills, little "so annoying" hills - endless hills!
I'm sure my fellow riders thought I was crazy as they passed by me - I was talking to myself and didn't care who heard me!  Hey, somebody had to talk me through this mess I had gotten myself into! Few more miles til the rest stop, I could make it! Or could I?
I had never in life wanted to quit something as bad as I wanted to quit this ride!
As I'm struggling to reach the top of this mammoth hill I finally had to give in, got off my bike and walk the rest of the way up.  It wasn't far but my legs just couldn't pedal any further - walking actually felt good.  When I got to the very top of the hill I noticed an older couple (that had passed me while I was walking) off their bikes...turns out they were waiting for me!  They made sure I was OK, asked how the ride was going - I explained how I had been struggling.  They gave me instruction on how I could face the hills down with a bit more ease and rode with me to the rest stop giving shifting directions the entire way.  I thanked them profusely for their help and concern when we arrived at the rest stop. Their tips and tricks had made the last few hills easier, but I still wanted to quit.

Found a quite, private spot in the shade to sit.
Called my parents and cried some more.
This ride had already kicked my ass and I still had 13 n some more miles to go!  I spoke with some people at the rest stop as I gathered myself to face down the rest of the ride - they told me the worst hills were behind me, the rest were gentle rollers. Still hills. It took all I had to get back on my bike but I knew if I didn't at least try I'd never forgive myself.
The second half of the ride was a bit better - knees wrapped and supported, smaller hills, me with new hill climbing strategies.
Just as I was thinking "Please no more hills or inclines, no more" the scenery got familiar YES!
I was almost done with this ride!
Roughly three miles between me and the finish line...on FLAT land!
You'd better believe I suddenly had energy!
There it is!  The last turn!  I can see the finish!  I DID IT!!
I cried when I made that final turn into the parking lot - combination of pride in myself for making the entire ride and overwhelming joy that the ride was finally over!

Pretty sure this ride isn't going on the "Let's Do That Again" ride list!

(went back and drove the route to take some video - this clip is an example of what the majority of the ride was like - finish with one hill and there was another waiting for you)
Hills, Hills, and More Hills

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