Sunday, March 22, 2015

Tour de Houston 2015

The day started like any other ride day - with me awake way too early!
Got myself ready, Anthony made me some breakfast and prepared my "on the road" coffee.  Bike and gear loaded, time to go
I arrived downtown with plenty of time to spare...until I tried to find a parking space!
Oh Emm Gee!  The parking I thought was garage parking was actually street parking and all the daggone streets were full!!  So much for extra time, it was all sucked up finding a parking spot.  It was now 8:10a (ride scheduled to start at 8:30a)
I hustled up the street to the start area and mere moments later they called my group (20 milers) to line up!  WHAT!?!  I don't have my music set, I don't have MapMyRide started, Oh crap the tracking crumbs app isn't working!  Text Mom let her know about crumbs, start MMR, and hit a playlist (wrong playlist but it was music)
Got to the start as the second wave was taking off
Here We Go!
The day was minus sunshine (made me glad I had worn my Asics sleeves) but also minus rain like we had last year for this ride.  I still get a kick out of street being blocked off just for riders.  As we rode along we had some hills to contend with - I applied what I learned on the Heroes Ride (or as I call it the Hills From Hell Ride) and the hills were no issue *big grin*
Arrival at the rest stop came none too soon - I was rather tired
Gave my camera a chance to charge up while I had a snack and enjoyed not being on a bike seat for a little while.
Took the time to try and get my eCrumbs working - finally got the app to work - shot a text to Mom, she replied they were almost there - I wished them luck on finding a parking space, told them it was probably good they had about an hour before I'd be to the finish!
Time to head out and get the last 11 miles completed.  As I'm pedaling along makin good time and passing folks, yup passing folks - OK so yeah, I had my fair share passing me too but still!  Anyway, as I was saying - pedaling along then something I never thought would happen, happened...I hear "Hey Mrs. Govan!"  What?!  Somebody knows me? Who could...shot my hand up in the air and waved as I continued out here that knows me?  I thought about that for the next few miles and wondered how I'd ever find out!  (Thankfully the young lady is in the classroom next door to mine and came over Monday and informed me it was her that yelled out to me)
I can see the finish line, start scanning the area for my parents. There they are! A smile spreads across my face as I wave to them as they cheer me in.  A few feet from the finish line I threw my fist in the air and I hear the announcer say "Go Buckeyes!" (I geeked out, thrilled the announcer mentioned me as I crossed the finish!).
Mom and Dad were all hugs and "atta girls" as we started toward our vehicles - I do so love having them there when I finish, makes me feel all warm n fuzzy. *grin*  Makes me giggle too - here I am 47 and just as excited to see my folks at my sporting event as I was when I was in Jr High and High School!
Bike loaded, parents heading to their car, I took a moment to change my clothes, yes, in my truck, before heading over to Katz's Deli for a celebratory lunch with Mom and Dad.
Cheers to another good ride in the books!

Short video of my ride
Tour de Houston 2015

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