Friday, May 1, 2015

April 15, 2015

April 15, 2015 - that was the day four months of disabling pain was given a name
I was diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis
I didn't know how to react - all my internet searching and WebMD scanning had turned out to be correct.  Damnit!
The doctor explained things then it was blood tests, x-rays, informational pamphlets, paperwork, a new med for the pain and swelling, and an appointment set for two weeks later.
*Flash forward two weeks*
I get told my RA is at the highest end of the disease activity scale.  I was put on prednisone, methotrexate (chemo drug), folic acid, and vitamin D - add all that to my other meds and on Monday nights I now take 13 freakin pills!  What the fire!?  I broke down in tears at the doctor's office.  It was all just too much.
Thankfully the prednisone did not mess with my blood sugar levels but did bring relief 12 hours after the first dose.  It wasn't a monumental reduction in pain/swelling but it was enough that I could get dressed without crying from the pain.  As long as I could see/feel progress toward the end of the pain I could keep pushing.
I still have a lot to learn about this disease and how to work around the limitations it tries to put on my body but I'll get there - slow but sure, I'll get there.

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