Monday, May 25, 2015

Memorial Day Weekend 2015

Left work at 12:20p
Saw the Dr

She confirmed I do indeed have the cooties and was pleased I came in instead of waiting
I was prescribed antibiotics, minimal stress, warm liquids, no citrus, and rest, lots of rest
She was glad to hear I hadn't planned on going back to work, said she would have sent me home if I had been. Guess she was serious about the minimal stress and rest part huh? LOL  Had to give in and take my prescription cough medicine so I could get some sleep!

Codeine cough medicine - we have a love/hate relationship

Love that it:
Quiets your cough almost instantly
Makes your raw through feel better
Allows you the first good night's sleep in a week
Hate that it:
Is done quieting your cough the moment you wake up
Gives you all the symptoms of a hangover without the fun of partying the night before - sluggish, cotton mouth, feeling hazy all day
Gives you a headache that just won't quit!
That would be why I only use it when I have tried everything else and am so desperate for an escape
from the cough that it sounds like a good idea! Pretty much laid around like an old dishrag all day
trying to make sure the cooties would go away.

Felt better - was going to go on a bike ride but it was raining...again!
Went to the grocery store around noon - had a horrible response to being out - got weak, unsteady, woozy, and sweaty.  Grabbed a sweet drink thinking maybe it was a blood sugar drop - no effect
Got home and took a nap
I know the doctors said I was going to get sick differently because of the RA meds but today was absurd!
Got lightheaded, shaky, no strength, and sweaty - glad Anthony was with me, course it had him worried - ended up taking a four hour nap to feel better! I know I still have the cooties but they are going away, no sinus congestion, minimal coughing, chest isn't tight any more but yet I try to go to the grocery store and I'm down for the count! WTH?!

I went on a ride this morning.  I know!  What was I thinking? How could I be so crazy when a trip to the grocery store wiped me out yesterday...well I'll tell you
- I have more energy in the morning
- I can't rebuild my endurance sitting at home
- I miss being on my bike
- I'm in a better mood after a ride
- Today was too pretty outside not to
- Riding a bike is one of the recommended low impact exercises for RA
- Finally and most importantly - If I'm going to risk using up all my spoons* for the day I want it to happen doing something I enjoy!

*The Spoon Theory

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