Saturday, October 25, 2014

Midnight Ramble

This was my very first Midnight Ramble - and it won't be my last!!

The costumes and decorated bikes!  Next year I will be better prepared!
OK no costume, but my bike will be lit up!

The ride progressed like any other ride...except it was the wee hours of the morning, people were dressed in costumes riding bikes lit up like Christmas trees, and we had run of the roads downtown!

The Incredibles were there... while Mrs and daughter waitin the restroom line Mr and son were getting bananas and water
Had a blast - already planning for next year *grin*

Alief Proud Ride

Time to get this ride started!
I'm reppin the Geek Squad today
Polka dots are the Alief Cycle Team

Senator Rodney Ellis rode with us

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Heroes Ride

or the Hills From Hell Ride as I have renamed it!

I innocently signed up for this ride thinking it would be like any other, my registration fee went to the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund - I get to ride through Big Thicket National Forest, others benefit - win win right? That's what I thought too...

Got to Conroe, checked in, geared up, prayer for the riders was said, off we went.
I'm cruisin along, enjoyin the ride, a few miles in I'm wondering why this has become a challenge to pedal.  Felt like I was fighting against the wind, except there was no wind!  Oh please don't let something be wrong with my bike! Stopped, checked my bike (as best as my "not a bike mechanic" self could) found no obvious problems.  Back to pedaling, back to fighting nonexistent wind.  Just as I'm thinking I'm losing my mind and the pedaling issue is all in my head, I can suddenly pedal with ease...I was going downhill. What? My imaginary wind issue was actually a gradual incline!  So subtle I didn't notice any difference (except the pedaling issue which of course til that moment I thought was my own issue)
I should have known then I was in trouble.
I hadn't seen anything yet!
Hills, lots and lots of hills came next - big "OMG I'm gonna die!" hills, little "so annoying" hills - endless hills!
I'm sure my fellow riders thought I was crazy as they passed by me - I was talking to myself and didn't care who heard me!  Hey, somebody had to talk me through this mess I had gotten myself into! Few more miles til the rest stop, I could make it! Or could I?
I had never in life wanted to quit something as bad as I wanted to quit this ride!
As I'm struggling to reach the top of this mammoth hill I finally had to give in, got off my bike and walk the rest of the way up.  It wasn't far but my legs just couldn't pedal any further - walking actually felt good.  When I got to the very top of the hill I noticed an older couple (that had passed me while I was walking) off their bikes...turns out they were waiting for me!  They made sure I was OK, asked how the ride was going - I explained how I had been struggling.  They gave me instruction on how I could face the hills down with a bit more ease and rode with me to the rest stop giving shifting directions the entire way.  I thanked them profusely for their help and concern when we arrived at the rest stop. Their tips and tricks had made the last few hills easier, but I still wanted to quit.

Found a quite, private spot in the shade to sit.
Called my parents and cried some more.
This ride had already kicked my ass and I still had 13 n some more miles to go!  I spoke with some people at the rest stop as I gathered myself to face down the rest of the ride - they told me the worst hills were behind me, the rest were gentle rollers. Still hills. It took all I had to get back on my bike but I knew if I didn't at least try I'd never forgive myself.
The second half of the ride was a bit better - knees wrapped and supported, smaller hills, me with new hill climbing strategies.
Just as I was thinking "Please no more hills or inclines, no more" the scenery got familiar YES!
I was almost done with this ride!
Roughly three miles between me and the finish line...on FLAT land!
You'd better believe I suddenly had energy!
There it is!  The last turn!  I can see the finish!  I DID IT!!
I cried when I made that final turn into the parking lot - combination of pride in myself for making the entire ride and overwhelming joy that the ride was finally over!

Pretty sure this ride isn't going on the "Let's Do That Again" ride list!

(went back and drove the route to take some video - this clip is an example of what the majority of the ride was like - finish with one hill and there was another waiting for you)
Hills, Hills, and More Hills

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Tour de Cure 2014

What a difference a year makes!!
At first I thought this year was going to go the same as last year - washed out
Thankfully after a week of rain, Saturday's weather was nice

This year's Rider's Village was as it should be - filled with sponsors and riders

Text my folks to let them know I was there and ready - Mom & Dad weren't going to make it out this year as Mom was still recovering from her surgery *sad face* We came up with a plan tho - thanks to Road ID I could send a link that enabled my folks to monitor my progress along the route - gotta love technology!!

Got myself situated, MapMyRide started, playlist pulled up, link to RoadID eCrumbs sent to Mom
We were taking off from a different spot, no idea why - didn't really matter to me, I was just excited to get going

This year I was on a bike that weighed 15lbs less than last year, I also had several group rides of various lengths under my belt - my confidence was high.  The miles flew by and suddenly it was time to turn into rest stop #1  What?!  That was SO easy!  Checked in with the folks, refueled, rested, got back on the bike and headed out.

NO WAY!  I'm at the second rest stop already?!  The miles were melting away - challenges I faced on the ride last year weren't even close to an issue this year!  I was feeling very much like a rock star!!
Checked in with Mom & Dad then chatted with some nice folks while we all refueled and rested.

I was so hopeful the last leg wasn't going to be as windy as it was last year - wind sucks the fun out of stuff!  It was OK for a while, then wind *sigh*  There goes my amazing stats, thank you wind...not.  This year I knew when the "homestretch turn" was coming up so as mile 27 ticked by I wasn't all freaked out like I was last year. Mile 30 ticked by - I wasn't at the finish, what?!  Man!  How much further?!  Finally I saw the big red arch over the finish - don't think I've ever been so excited to see an inflatable in my life  LOL  I'm riding in, crowd is cheering...WAIT!  OMG!  MOM & DAD ARE HERE!! They said they weren't coming, but they came!  I was so excited I cried.  What a great way to finish a great ride!

While on today's TdC ride I set multiple personal bests (and blew last year's ride out of the water!)
Ride Time - 2:35:15 (31 minutes less than last year)
Miles ridden - 31.03 (1.01 further than last year)
Average Pace (min/mi) - 5.00 (1.13 faster than last year)
Average Speed (mph) - 12.01 (2.22 faster than last year)
Highest speed maintained for a mile or longer - 15.5 mph (3.8mph faster than last year)

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Park to Port

The ride day started with me and my new socks oversleeping!

Yup, woke up at the time I had planned to be arriving at the park!  Thankfully the start time was a two hour window from 7a-9a so I didn't have to race down the foggy mist covered highway to get there.

Time to check in - volunteer directed me to go straight then to the right - I did this and ended up nowhere near anything resembling a check in station!  Now I was a bit panicked, time was ticking! Went back to where I started and asked a different volunteer this time - same directions except this time I saw the right I was sposed to take the first time (sharp right, not the curve right - makes a world of difference!)
Rolling up to the check-in station the drizzling rain got a bit heavier, still not a full on rain, but wet enough!

All set, rolled out and straight up a hill! A really BIG hill!  Got to the top but it was a true struggle. The drizzling rain continued.  The ride was pretty but would have been even better with some sun.
We arrived at the rest stop (Houston Ship Channel) soaked to the bone

Bike was tired...of being wet.  She prefers dry riding conditions, that's why we get along so well - we think alike 

After a snack and some rest it was time to head back.  The rain had finally stopped but by now we were all so wet, who cared? **note to self - never never never buy white bike shorts - that sight can not been unseen and you would never want to be responsible for doing that to anyone, ever!** 

With the exception of the rain (an that guy in the wet white bike shorts) it was a very enjoyable ride, and hey who wouldn't like a ride that ends with an offering of 

breakfast burritos...

and beer!  LOL

Time to head home (a view from the top of the hill we faced at the start of the ride and again to get back to our cars!) 

Monday, July 28, 2014

End to End and Back!

It all started when Rex woke us up at 4a because he had to go outside. I appreciate him giving us the heads up but what a pain not being able to fall back to sleep!  At 5a I finally gave up and got back out of bed. As I piddled around I started thinking about a bike ride at the park, I mean as long as I was up I may as well.  Got dressed, gathered my gear, filled my Camelbak and my two water bottles, grabbed my bike and out the door I went...before sunrise!
As I was driving to the park I started getting frustrated with all the traffic...until I realized it was Monday (teacher vacation brain has a tight grip on me!)

As I was driving to the park I finished talking myself into riding the trail end to end and back. I failed last time but I also wasn't as prepared.  Finally at the park, gear on, time to roll out.

 The fog was thick and plentiful, the sun was struggling to break through, made me wonder if I was going to be able to see more than a few feet ahead of me once on the trail.

I rode my least favorite part of the route first - my glasses fogging over, hoards of gnats flying in my face, up my nose, and in my mouth (OK maybe not hoards but there sure were a lot!) did not help me like it any better.  I arrived at the Hwy 6 end of the route in good time, now to head back.

8 miles completed - worst part over - Score!  I rested at my starting point (Sheriff's Dept on I-10). Looked at my tracking app, I was makin pretty good time!  Rested and hydrated I headed out to ride my favorite part of George Bush Park - the 7 miles between me and the other end of the route.

Action shot LOL

So calm and quiet

The heavy dew made it look like some of these plants were floating on water

I get relaxed just thinking about this part of the park (a reward for pedaling that far)

Playin with my glasses while taking a break and enjoying the quiet

Back on the trail and I saw this - does that mean it's only going to be a small construction project?

 I made it! The S.Fry end of the route! To celebrate I rode on for another 1.5 miles down Highland Knolls before turning around and heading back

Cruisin back toward the truck I notice something in the middle of the path. Whatisthatohshit! A snake! And it was alive! Right there in the middle of the path! Head up and poised for battle! YIKES! You're darn right I came to a screeching halt!  No really, my brakes actually screeched...and apparently that was enough to scare the snake. He moved with the quickness into the bushes - once his head was covered he stopped. Guess he figured since he couldn't see me I couldn't see him LOL

The rest of my ride was uneventful - no more snakes, no gators like the signs kept warning me about, just the park's yard crew and an occasional jogger or a fellow cyclist.

Last year when I attempted this particular route I fell short and had to call my husband to come pick me up and drive me and my bike back to my truck. Not one of my finer moments.  This year was much better - route completed!  While this was not my longest ride it still gets marked as a big victory.  

Summer 2013
Summer 2014
Incomplete ride
Complete ride
20 miles
25 miles
2 hrs 20 min
2 hrs 5 min
Averaged 9.3 mph  
(6.5 min/mile)
Averaged 12 mph 
(5 min/mile)