Monday, May 25, 2015

Memorial Day Weekend 2015

Left work at 12:20p
Saw the Dr

She confirmed I do indeed have the cooties and was pleased I came in instead of waiting
I was prescribed antibiotics, minimal stress, warm liquids, no citrus, and rest, lots of rest
She was glad to hear I hadn't planned on going back to work, said she would have sent me home if I had been. Guess she was serious about the minimal stress and rest part huh? LOL  Had to give in and take my prescription cough medicine so I could get some sleep!

Codeine cough medicine - we have a love/hate relationship

Love that it:
Quiets your cough almost instantly
Makes your raw through feel better
Allows you the first good night's sleep in a week
Hate that it:
Is done quieting your cough the moment you wake up
Gives you all the symptoms of a hangover without the fun of partying the night before - sluggish, cotton mouth, feeling hazy all day
Gives you a headache that just won't quit!
That would be why I only use it when I have tried everything else and am so desperate for an escape
from the cough that it sounds like a good idea! Pretty much laid around like an old dishrag all day
trying to make sure the cooties would go away.

Felt better - was going to go on a bike ride but it was raining...again!
Went to the grocery store around noon - had a horrible response to being out - got weak, unsteady, woozy, and sweaty.  Grabbed a sweet drink thinking maybe it was a blood sugar drop - no effect
Got home and took a nap
I know the doctors said I was going to get sick differently because of the RA meds but today was absurd!
Got lightheaded, shaky, no strength, and sweaty - glad Anthony was with me, course it had him worried - ended up taking a four hour nap to feel better! I know I still have the cooties but they are going away, no sinus congestion, minimal coughing, chest isn't tight any more but yet I try to go to the grocery store and I'm down for the count! WTH?!

I went on a ride this morning.  I know!  What was I thinking? How could I be so crazy when a trip to the grocery store wiped me out yesterday...well I'll tell you
- I have more energy in the morning
- I can't rebuild my endurance sitting at home
- I miss being on my bike
- I'm in a better mood after a ride
- Today was too pretty outside not to
- Riding a bike is one of the recommended low impact exercises for RA
- Finally and most importantly - If I'm going to risk using up all my spoons* for the day I want it to happen doing something I enjoy!

*The Spoon Theory

Sunday, May 24, 2015

CycloFemme 2015

Today was the third anniversary of the ride that started it all and my first ride with RA, which of course was trying to flare *eye roll*
When I first started riding this was the ride that showed me I could do more than I thought, ride further than I'd ever ridden, encouraged me to push myself, and gave me the courage participate in other rides. RA was not keeping me from this ride!
As usual we started (and ended) at Happy Fatz in the Heights

That's where the similarities ended - the route has been different each year.  This year we used the Heights Hike & Bike Trail, passed by Minute Maid Park and the Toyota Center, then stopped in the museum district at the Houston Bicycle Museum

After a good rest it was time to head back.  
I had been contemplating leaving with the 20 mile group but my RA and the ride organizers had other plans.  My RA said "Stick with the 10 mile route, you only have 5 miles left of that one and I'm gonna make your wrist hurt the entire way"  RA can be so bitchy!  
The ride organizers are the ones that really made the choice for me - they announced the 20 mile ride was going to be for those that ride 15mph+ and well that's not me even on a super good day! LOL
Back on our bikes we rode out of the museum district onto Main St, through West University Place, and back into the Heights to Happy Fatz.  I really enjoyed this year's route, riding through downtown and on streets I'd never ride on alone still gives me a thrill.

CycloFemme year 3 - complete.
A short video of my ride

Friday, May 1, 2015

April 15, 2015

April 15, 2015 - that was the day four months of disabling pain was given a name
I was diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis
I didn't know how to react - all my internet searching and WebMD scanning had turned out to be correct.  Damnit!
The doctor explained things then it was blood tests, x-rays, informational pamphlets, paperwork, a new med for the pain and swelling, and an appointment set for two weeks later.
*Flash forward two weeks*
I get told my RA is at the highest end of the disease activity scale.  I was put on prednisone, methotrexate (chemo drug), folic acid, and vitamin D - add all that to my other meds and on Monday nights I now take 13 freakin pills!  What the fire!?  I broke down in tears at the doctor's office.  It was all just too much.
Thankfully the prednisone did not mess with my blood sugar levels but did bring relief 12 hours after the first dose.  It wasn't a monumental reduction in pain/swelling but it was enough that I could get dressed without crying from the pain.  As long as I could see/feel progress toward the end of the pain I could keep pushing.
I still have a lot to learn about this disease and how to work around the limitations it tries to put on my body but I'll get there - slow but sure, I'll get there.