Tuesday, December 24, 2013


Holy Guacamole Batman!
Santa brought me a new bike!
Totally caught me off guard, wasn’t even entertaining the possibility
But there it was, the last gift I opened – the tag had some mysterious code on it – inside there was a poem, a picture, and a gift card – I was silent, not sure what to say – I think I smiled, pretty sure I was smiling.  I was smiling inside I know that!  Inside I was all freakin smiles!
The last mention of a new bike was November 10th  after my Tour de Cure 30 mile ride. That day while we ate celebratory burgers and I basked in my 30 mile victory the discussion topic had gone to how inappropriate my Specialized baby was for such rides.  As challenging as it was I was hooked, I knew I wanted to do more rides…but my Specialized was NOT the bike for long rides like the one I had just completed.
Lunch ended, life went on, I continued to ride my Specialized.
Flash forward a month and change and there I sat on Christmas Eve Day, the soon to be proud owner of a bike that was very appropriate for long challenging rides
Oh! Emm! Gee!
I couldn’t find the words, still haven't found the words to accurately and appropriately express my excitement and gratitude.

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