Friday, July 31, 2015

Three Majors

Went out on a bike ride this morning with the intention of only going 6-8 miles due to the heat index already being at 87° when I left the house at 8a!
Instead I ended up going 16.10 miles
How did this happen you wonder?
I'll tell ya - after the first two and a half miles almost all of my ride was in the shade.  Shade makes you forget you have to finish the last two and a half miles in the sun!
Today was kind of a landmark ride - I crossed three, count 'em three, major highways not once but twice!  90, 59, & 6 were today's lucky highways.
After crossing 6 and heading up Lexington Blvd by First Colony Mall on my way to Sweetwater Blvd a guy walking along the sidewalk called out to me "Excuse me! Please help!"  I slowed down and got out of traffic (but didn't get off my bike in case there was a need for a quick get away). He asked if I knew where the hospital was.  I pointed to the building just behind the mall (probably a good mile or so away).  He thanked me and introduced himself.  We talked for a moment longer, Douglas couldn't figure out how he got so twisted up.  I have a sneaking suspicion it had something to do with the liquor I smelled on his breath, but hey, I could be wrong! He thanked me again and told me I was awesome for stopping to help.  I told him it wasn't a problem glad I could help - we said goodbye and went our separate ways.
I rode along till MapMyRide informed me I had gone 8 miles. I snapped out of my happy haze "What were you thinking Govan?! You know full good and well the last two and a half miles are going to be hella hot!" I chastised myself.  Oh well what's done is done - nothin left to do but go home.  Made the U-turn just before Sweetwater Blvd and headed back.  The traffic on the highways had really picked up - made me glad I had traffic lights to work with!  Safely across 6 I headed to Williams Trace, made my left and got to 59. What was an easy cross 25 minutes earlier now took two steps - one light to get across the northbound and one light to get across the southbound.  Have Mercy!  
I was getting tired, I'd gone 10 miles only stopping for traffic lights and Douglas, of course.  Finally there it was, the bench that I had promised myself I'd stop at IF I went further than the five mile mark before turning around to head home.  I was at 11.5 total miles, it qualified as further.  I sat across the street from waterfront properties dreaming about one of those homes being's not the beach but it is water! Sat for a good 15 or so minutes before forcing myself to trudge on.  OK yeah, so it wasn't that bad but I still wasn't looking forward to that last two and a half miles! 
Got across 90 with no issues - now on my side of Sugar Land and a little over a mile of shade left it was time to push, cept I was kinda out of push - I was more in pedal for a while then coast mode.  NOT the way to get home and out of the heat.  
There it was, the end of the shade *sad face*  
Now the test really began.  "Pedal Govan! Can't get out of the heat if you're not pedaling!"  I'm sure the couple walking past me thought I was a nut job but who else was gonna encourage me?  Right!
"Total distance 15 miles" said my app
"One more mile, one more! Damn it's hot out here! I've got this! Bet it's close to 100°.  Shut up and pedal girl! Pedal!"  Yes, it was all said out loud.
My subdivision!  Home is less than a half mile away - I'd made it!!
Take that hot weather!! *sticks tongue out and heads in the house for a nap*

Thursday, June 18, 2015

Things I Learned On My Bike Ride This Morning

- Crossing Hwy 90, not near as scary as I thought it would be
- Burney Rd changes names 3 times between home and Hwy 59
- Sugar Land has a Cleveland Lake (even tho it looks more like a river)
- Bike lanes are almost twice as big on the other side of 90
- Sugar Land men seem to prefer little fluffy white dogs
- Sugar Land women appear to like Labradors of any color as their dog of choice
- Wet brick roads are slippery
- Falling off your bike hurts your ego as well as your body
- Sugar Land residents are very kind
- My bike's chain is rather greasy
- I need to keep a little towel of some sort in my bike's saddlebag
- Sugar Land's Horseshoe Lake does not have a park like Shaker Heights, Ohio's Horseshoe Lake does
- The Sugar Land water tower looks great after it's makeover
- It's only an 11 mile ride round trip to Diabetes America (too bad they don't have space in their waiting room for my bike)

Monday, May 25, 2015

Memorial Day Weekend 2015

Left work at 12:20p
Saw the Dr

She confirmed I do indeed have the cooties and was pleased I came in instead of waiting
I was prescribed antibiotics, minimal stress, warm liquids, no citrus, and rest, lots of rest
She was glad to hear I hadn't planned on going back to work, said she would have sent me home if I had been. Guess she was serious about the minimal stress and rest part huh? LOL  Had to give in and take my prescription cough medicine so I could get some sleep!

Codeine cough medicine - we have a love/hate relationship

Love that it:
Quiets your cough almost instantly
Makes your raw through feel better
Allows you the first good night's sleep in a week
Hate that it:
Is done quieting your cough the moment you wake up
Gives you all the symptoms of a hangover without the fun of partying the night before - sluggish, cotton mouth, feeling hazy all day
Gives you a headache that just won't quit!
That would be why I only use it when I have tried everything else and am so desperate for an escape
from the cough that it sounds like a good idea! Pretty much laid around like an old dishrag all day
trying to make sure the cooties would go away.

Felt better - was going to go on a bike ride but it was raining...again!
Went to the grocery store around noon - had a horrible response to being out - got weak, unsteady, woozy, and sweaty.  Grabbed a sweet drink thinking maybe it was a blood sugar drop - no effect
Got home and took a nap
I know the doctors said I was going to get sick differently because of the RA meds but today was absurd!
Got lightheaded, shaky, no strength, and sweaty - glad Anthony was with me, course it had him worried - ended up taking a four hour nap to feel better! I know I still have the cooties but they are going away, no sinus congestion, minimal coughing, chest isn't tight any more but yet I try to go to the grocery store and I'm down for the count! WTH?!

I went on a ride this morning.  I know!  What was I thinking? How could I be so crazy when a trip to the grocery store wiped me out yesterday...well I'll tell you
- I have more energy in the morning
- I can't rebuild my endurance sitting at home
- I miss being on my bike
- I'm in a better mood after a ride
- Today was too pretty outside not to
- Riding a bike is one of the recommended low impact exercises for RA
- Finally and most importantly - If I'm going to risk using up all my spoons* for the day I want it to happen doing something I enjoy!

*The Spoon Theory

Sunday, May 24, 2015

CycloFemme 2015

Today was the third anniversary of the ride that started it all and my first ride with RA, which of course was trying to flare *eye roll*
When I first started riding this was the ride that showed me I could do more than I thought, ride further than I'd ever ridden, encouraged me to push myself, and gave me the courage participate in other rides. RA was not keeping me from this ride!
As usual we started (and ended) at Happy Fatz in the Heights

That's where the similarities ended - the route has been different each year.  This year we used the Heights Hike & Bike Trail, passed by Minute Maid Park and the Toyota Center, then stopped in the museum district at the Houston Bicycle Museum

After a good rest it was time to head back.  
I had been contemplating leaving with the 20 mile group but my RA and the ride organizers had other plans.  My RA said "Stick with the 10 mile route, you only have 5 miles left of that one and I'm gonna make your wrist hurt the entire way"  RA can be so bitchy!  
The ride organizers are the ones that really made the choice for me - they announced the 20 mile ride was going to be for those that ride 15mph+ and well that's not me even on a super good day! LOL
Back on our bikes we rode out of the museum district onto Main St, through West University Place, and back into the Heights to Happy Fatz.  I really enjoyed this year's route, riding through downtown and on streets I'd never ride on alone still gives me a thrill.

CycloFemme year 3 - complete.
A short video of my ride

Friday, May 1, 2015

April 15, 2015

April 15, 2015 - that was the day four months of disabling pain was given a name
I was diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis
I didn't know how to react - all my internet searching and WebMD scanning had turned out to be correct.  Damnit!
The doctor explained things then it was blood tests, x-rays, informational pamphlets, paperwork, a new med for the pain and swelling, and an appointment set for two weeks later.
*Flash forward two weeks*
I get told my RA is at the highest end of the disease activity scale.  I was put on prednisone, methotrexate (chemo drug), folic acid, and vitamin D - add all that to my other meds and on Monday nights I now take 13 freakin pills!  What the fire!?  I broke down in tears at the doctor's office.  It was all just too much.
Thankfully the prednisone did not mess with my blood sugar levels but did bring relief 12 hours after the first dose.  It wasn't a monumental reduction in pain/swelling but it was enough that I could get dressed without crying from the pain.  As long as I could see/feel progress toward the end of the pain I could keep pushing.
I still have a lot to learn about this disease and how to work around the limitations it tries to put on my body but I'll get there - slow but sure, I'll get there.

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Tour de Houston 2015

The day started like any other ride day - with me awake way too early!
Got myself ready, Anthony made me some breakfast and prepared my "on the road" coffee.  Bike and gear loaded, time to go
I arrived downtown with plenty of time to spare...until I tried to find a parking space!
Oh Emm Gee!  The parking I thought was garage parking was actually street parking and all the daggone streets were full!!  So much for extra time, it was all sucked up finding a parking spot.  It was now 8:10a (ride scheduled to start at 8:30a)
I hustled up the street to the start area and mere moments later they called my group (20 milers) to line up!  WHAT!?!  I don't have my music set, I don't have MapMyRide started, Oh crap the tracking crumbs app isn't working!  Text Mom let her know about crumbs, start MMR, and hit a playlist (wrong playlist but it was music)
Got to the start as the second wave was taking off
Here We Go!
The day was minus sunshine (made me glad I had worn my Asics sleeves) but also minus rain like we had last year for this ride.  I still get a kick out of street being blocked off just for riders.  As we rode along we had some hills to contend with - I applied what I learned on the Heroes Ride (or as I call it the Hills From Hell Ride) and the hills were no issue *big grin*
Arrival at the rest stop came none too soon - I was rather tired
Gave my camera a chance to charge up while I had a snack and enjoyed not being on a bike seat for a little while.
Took the time to try and get my eCrumbs working - finally got the app to work - shot a text to Mom, she replied they were almost there - I wished them luck on finding a parking space, told them it was probably good they had about an hour before I'd be to the finish!
Time to head out and get the last 11 miles completed.  As I'm pedaling along makin good time and passing folks, yup passing folks - OK so yeah, I had my fair share passing me too but still!  Anyway, as I was saying - pedaling along then something I never thought would happen, happened...I hear "Hey Mrs. Govan!"  What?!  Somebody knows me? Who could...shot my hand up in the air and waved as I continued out here that knows me?  I thought about that for the next few miles and wondered how I'd ever find out!  (Thankfully the young lady is in the classroom next door to mine and came over Monday and informed me it was her that yelled out to me)
I can see the finish line, start scanning the area for my parents. There they are! A smile spreads across my face as I wave to them as they cheer me in.  A few feet from the finish line I threw my fist in the air and I hear the announcer say "Go Buckeyes!" (I geeked out, thrilled the announcer mentioned me as I crossed the finish!).
Mom and Dad were all hugs and "atta girls" as we started toward our vehicles - I do so love having them there when I finish, makes me feel all warm n fuzzy. *grin*  Makes me giggle too - here I am 47 and just as excited to see my folks at my sporting event as I was when I was in Jr High and High School!
Bike loaded, parents heading to their car, I took a moment to change my clothes, yes, in my truck, before heading over to Katz's Deli for a celebratory lunch with Mom and Dad.
Cheers to another good ride in the books!

Short video of my ride
Tour de Houston 2015

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Midnight Ramble

This was my very first Midnight Ramble - and it won't be my last!!

The costumes and decorated bikes!  Next year I will be better prepared!
OK no costume, but my bike will be lit up!

The ride progressed like any other ride...except it was the wee hours of the morning, people were dressed in costumes riding bikes lit up like Christmas trees, and we had run of the roads downtown!

The Incredibles were there... while Mrs and daughter waitin the restroom line Mr and son were getting bananas and water
Had a blast - already planning for next year *grin*

Alief Proud Ride

Time to get this ride started!
I'm reppin the Geek Squad today
Polka dots are the Alief Cycle Team

Senator Rodney Ellis rode with us

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Heroes Ride

or the Hills From Hell Ride as I have renamed it!

I innocently signed up for this ride thinking it would be like any other, my registration fee went to the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund - I get to ride through Big Thicket National Forest, others benefit - win win right? That's what I thought too...

Got to Conroe, checked in, geared up, prayer for the riders was said, off we went.
I'm cruisin along, enjoyin the ride, a few miles in I'm wondering why this has become a challenge to pedal.  Felt like I was fighting against the wind, except there was no wind!  Oh please don't let something be wrong with my bike! Stopped, checked my bike (as best as my "not a bike mechanic" self could) found no obvious problems.  Back to pedaling, back to fighting nonexistent wind.  Just as I'm thinking I'm losing my mind and the pedaling issue is all in my head, I can suddenly pedal with ease...I was going downhill. What? My imaginary wind issue was actually a gradual incline!  So subtle I didn't notice any difference (except the pedaling issue which of course til that moment I thought was my own issue)
I should have known then I was in trouble.
I hadn't seen anything yet!
Hills, lots and lots of hills came next - big "OMG I'm gonna die!" hills, little "so annoying" hills - endless hills!
I'm sure my fellow riders thought I was crazy as they passed by me - I was talking to myself and didn't care who heard me!  Hey, somebody had to talk me through this mess I had gotten myself into! Few more miles til the rest stop, I could make it! Or could I?
I had never in life wanted to quit something as bad as I wanted to quit this ride!
As I'm struggling to reach the top of this mammoth hill I finally had to give in, got off my bike and walk the rest of the way up.  It wasn't far but my legs just couldn't pedal any further - walking actually felt good.  When I got to the very top of the hill I noticed an older couple (that had passed me while I was walking) off their bikes...turns out they were waiting for me!  They made sure I was OK, asked how the ride was going - I explained how I had been struggling.  They gave me instruction on how I could face the hills down with a bit more ease and rode with me to the rest stop giving shifting directions the entire way.  I thanked them profusely for their help and concern when we arrived at the rest stop. Their tips and tricks had made the last few hills easier, but I still wanted to quit.

Found a quite, private spot in the shade to sit.
Called my parents and cried some more.
This ride had already kicked my ass and I still had 13 n some more miles to go!  I spoke with some people at the rest stop as I gathered myself to face down the rest of the ride - they told me the worst hills were behind me, the rest were gentle rollers. Still hills. It took all I had to get back on my bike but I knew if I didn't at least try I'd never forgive myself.
The second half of the ride was a bit better - knees wrapped and supported, smaller hills, me with new hill climbing strategies.
Just as I was thinking "Please no more hills or inclines, no more" the scenery got familiar YES!
I was almost done with this ride!
Roughly three miles between me and the finish line...on FLAT land!
You'd better believe I suddenly had energy!
There it is!  The last turn!  I can see the finish!  I DID IT!!
I cried when I made that final turn into the parking lot - combination of pride in myself for making the entire ride and overwhelming joy that the ride was finally over!

Pretty sure this ride isn't going on the "Let's Do That Again" ride list!

(went back and drove the route to take some video - this clip is an example of what the majority of the ride was like - finish with one hill and there was another waiting for you)
Hills, Hills, and More Hills

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Tour de Cure 2014

What a difference a year makes!!
At first I thought this year was going to go the same as last year - washed out
Thankfully after a week of rain, Saturday's weather was nice

This year's Rider's Village was as it should be - filled with sponsors and riders

Text my folks to let them know I was there and ready - Mom & Dad weren't going to make it out this year as Mom was still recovering from her surgery *sad face* We came up with a plan tho - thanks to Road ID I could send a link that enabled my folks to monitor my progress along the route - gotta love technology!!

Got myself situated, MapMyRide started, playlist pulled up, link to RoadID eCrumbs sent to Mom
We were taking off from a different spot, no idea why - didn't really matter to me, I was just excited to get going

This year I was on a bike that weighed 15lbs less than last year, I also had several group rides of various lengths under my belt - my confidence was high.  The miles flew by and suddenly it was time to turn into rest stop #1  What?!  That was SO easy!  Checked in with the folks, refueled, rested, got back on the bike and headed out.

NO WAY!  I'm at the second rest stop already?!  The miles were melting away - challenges I faced on the ride last year weren't even close to an issue this year!  I was feeling very much like a rock star!!
Checked in with Mom & Dad then chatted with some nice folks while we all refueled and rested.

I was so hopeful the last leg wasn't going to be as windy as it was last year - wind sucks the fun out of stuff!  It was OK for a while, then wind *sigh*  There goes my amazing stats, thank you wind...not.  This year I knew when the "homestretch turn" was coming up so as mile 27 ticked by I wasn't all freaked out like I was last year. Mile 30 ticked by - I wasn't at the finish, what?!  Man!  How much further?!  Finally I saw the big red arch over the finish - don't think I've ever been so excited to see an inflatable in my life  LOL  I'm riding in, crowd is cheering...WAIT!  OMG!  MOM & DAD ARE HERE!! They said they weren't coming, but they came!  I was so excited I cried.  What a great way to finish a great ride!

While on today's TdC ride I set multiple personal bests (and blew last year's ride out of the water!)
Ride Time - 2:35:15 (31 minutes less than last year)
Miles ridden - 31.03 (1.01 further than last year)
Average Pace (min/mi) - 5.00 (1.13 faster than last year)
Average Speed (mph) - 12.01 (2.22 faster than last year)
Highest speed maintained for a mile or longer - 15.5 mph (3.8mph faster than last year)