Sunday, September 29, 2013

A New Park

Find a new park to ride in.

Of course I accepted my challenge - gotta change it up every now and then, keep it interesting
All my gear ready, bike loaded up - I'm off.
Had this park entrance not been on Hwy 6 I would have ridden my bike there, but it was so I didn't (not brave enough for Hwy 6 yet...may never be)
It looked real nice on the map - it'a a small route but if I do a few laps I should be good.  
Did that sign just say something about alligators?!  
Couldn't have...well if it did I'm sure there will be more signs posted.  I drove the mile and some to the parking lot (no more alligator signs posted) - looked to the left to check out the bike path entrance...dirt.  What?!  How is this listed as a bike path when the first ten feet worth of path has so many dips and crevices a bike designed for that terrain would have issues with it! *sigh* Fine!
Pulled up my map app and looked for a new park - gotta hurry, it's lookin like rain.
Found one!
Headed out of the park but before leaving I drove past that sign again...
Shut the front door!! 
It did say something about alligators!!  
I was no longer upset I couldn't ride in this park!
Took the scenic route through Sugar Land to get to the new park
The sky was getting darker - this was not good!  
Find the park. Find the park! Find the park!!
Things start looking familiar - whaddaya know - I've been riding past the neighborhood this park is in for weeks!  As I weave through the neighborhood I'm getting excited to see the park.  What a let down.  It was so tiny.  Looked bigger on the map...

but then, they always do *bummed*  As long as I was there I may as well make the best of it.  
The Plan - take a lap around the park (good for maybe half a mile) and then cruise through the neighborhood.  Off I went...
My reality - pouring rain!  I was across the park from my truck and the skies let loose -pedal faster!!  Bike loaded, no sense in rushing now, I was soaked head to foot.  Got my drippy drenched self in the truck and headed home...course on the way home the rain let up, didn't stop but wasn't pouring anymore either - I could have ridden in that! UGH!  Felt better when it started pouring again after I got home.
It wasn't a total wash, I have a new route now - well a newish route...instead of staying straight and turning around at Hwy 90 I'm going to go left and incorporate this itty bitty park into my ride this week.

Find a new park to ride in.

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