Saturday, September 21, 2013

Tour de Cure Canceled

That was the message I woke up to this morning - ride canceled.
DAMN $#@&% RAIN!!!
While I respect their decision, I can't put into words how disappointed and sad I was.

The first five hours of my day were an emotional rollercoaster - woke up at 5a (without an alarm mind you) totally pumped and ready to ride, then read the text - all routes canceled - I cried. 
The emotions that followed for the next few hours were all over the place! Disappointed, sad, angry, proud, sad again, *rain started falling* understanding, tears falling with the rain, back to proud of what my friends, family, and I did together for the ADA and finally...acceptance (with a small side of bummed out, just a tiny one tho)

Around 11a I threw my Red Rider jersey on and headed out the door to the Tour de Cure Family Fun Fest (all the "after ride" stuff still took place)

When I arrived Rider's Village looked like a ghost town.  The majority of the tents looked just like the tent for Team Red - Houston...empty.  (Team Red is the team I ride for)  I felt bad for the folks that worked so hard pulling all of this together.

They had the start/finish line up for of course I took a picture *grin*

While not riding today was a huge disappointment, my friends, family and I raised $600 for diabetes research! $600! Raising money for the battle against diabetes was the main goal...mission accomplished!

I can't even begin to thank everyone appropriately for all of their support that is given freely on a daily basis, but especially the support these last four months as I got ready for today - they inspire me and make me want to be a better me 

I will find a ride to participate in and will wear my Tour de Cure Red Rider jersey for all of us! In the meantime I'm keeping my chin up, moving forward, and most definitely looking toward Tour de Cure 2014!
"Every time we ride our bikes, we are doing Tour de Cure."

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