Friday, September 20, 2013

Reasons Riding 10 Is Better

A week ago today I mysteriously injured my knee.
I know! 
Could the timing have been worse?!  
OK I realize I'm being a Drama Queen.
It could have been worse, but this was pretty bad in my book!
In the last week I have been unable to walk without crying at times - had to wrap my knee and struggle through the day at work - ice it down at lunch - use a crutch to get around.
As the week progressed it got better, I was going to be able to participate in the ride after all.
A least one would think that right?
Nope, not me.  
The immediate picture in my mind was what an epic fail this was.
I was no longer going to be able to ride the 27 mile route I trained the last four months to ride, I have to ride the 10 mile route instead. 
I cried when this realization hit me on Wednesday evening, I cried a lot.  
I've since had a bit of time to try and adjust my thinking and find things to celebrate about riding the 10 mile route - this is what I've come up with:
  • I still get to participate
  • Shorter route is better for my knee - 17 miles less stress on it
  • With the help of my friends and family I have raised $600 for a good cause, yes $600!
  • My Camelbak will be lighter since I will only have to fill it halfway
  • We ride rain or shine - it's raining now and supposed to continue through tomorrow so a shorter route means I won't have to ride as long with glasses that need windshield wipers
  • I won't have to ride as long soaking wet
  • A shorter route leaves less time for rain related accidents (slipping around the corners and such)
  • It's so muggy outside it's hard to breath - the shorter distance means less worry about breathing...wait, that didn't sound right...well you know what I mean
  • Zero risk of overheating and not completing the route
  • I don't have to get up as early. I know. I know. I'll be up anyway, but the point is I won't have to be

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