Sunday, September 22, 2013

Longest. Five. Miles. Ever.

That was the longest five miles ever!
No, not cuz my knee hurt (it didn't) *\o/* <~~cheerleader cheering my knee not hurting 
It was the longest ever because I was going soooo ssslllooowww
Not that I'm a speed demon on a regular day mind you, BUT today was 2 minutes per mile slower than my regular pace. I know, right?!
It was a bit aggravating at times - had to remind myself to celebrate being on my bike *\o/* <~~ celebrating
By about mile 3 I got past the "any slower and I'll be standing still" feeling and had the "out for a Sunday stroll" pace down.
Got home, got in the house (without a limp! *\o/* <~~ she's busy today!), grabbed my ice pack, 15 minutes later it was time to face the rest of the day...still without a limp! *\o/*  *\o/* <~~she brought a friend
I will take it easy on my knee the rest of the day, but damn that ride felt good!
I am a happy girl!

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