Sunday, December 29, 2013

Sunday Spin

Absolutely gorgeous day for a ride - sun was shining, air was crisp, and I had a new bike to ride!
Yesterday by the end of the ride I was pretty proficient gettin my feet in and out of the pedal cages, today was no different - well cept for the fact that I didn't have to look down to get my foot back in place - Go me!
I started out on my usual route but instead of going all the way down to 90 I turned left at Jess Pirtle Blvd and headed toward Sugar Mill Park - saw my park, made the loop at the cul de sac rode back out of the subdivision and headed over to Stadium Dr.  I'd ridden up that road before but never all the way to the stadium, home of the Sugar Land Skeeters. 
Let me say if you ever want to feel like a little kid on your bike go to Skeeter Stadium's parking lot when it's empty and ride your heart out!  The parking lot has an incline that's just steep enough that you won't have to struggle gettin to the top and can have a blast flyin to the bottom!  I did it twice! First time I did big swerves comin down then raced back to the top and just flew straight down the lot out onto the street and headed toward home - what a rush! And yes, yes I was hootin, hollerin, and being childish the entire time - it was fantastic!!
The rest of the ride I behaved as a good cyclist should and arrived home safe n sound.
My average speed and pace as well as my total time were almost identical to yesterday - my new bike really is faster! *wink*

Saturday, December 28, 2013

Maiden Voyage

What an amazing ride!!!
I could feel the 15 pound difference. I knew there would be a difference, I mean with 15 pounds less weight there would have to be. I guess I just didn't expect it to be so blatantly obvious!
I didn’t pedal with any more effort on my new Trek then I did on my Specialized - the ride was easier and the difference in speed was very noticeable.
I did 10.3 miles in 51.5 minutes! The times on my splits were faster then I have ever gone, a lot of them were under five minutes and those that were over were only over by a few seconds – I was haulin butt!
Speaking of butts mine didn't hurt any more or less than it did on my other seat - most noticeable and welcomed difference on my body was no tingling in my toes or hands around mile 8.  Will still have to adjust to the lean forward posture but I don't think that will be too difficult

By way of comparison
The same route, almost the same time of day

Average speed
9.07 mph
12 mph
Average pace
6.37 min/mi
5 min/mi

I was so busy marveling at the awesomeness of my new bike I neglected to make any "bike ride observations" - maybe tomorrow

Friday, December 27, 2013

My New Baby

Today was the day!  I picked up my new bike!
I ended up getting the same brand, Trek, but a different model then the one Santa's Elves had looked at.  Not a lot of differences – right shifter only goes to 7 instead of 8, the pedals are plastic instead of metal – neither of those things make a difference in my riding right now.  The model I got only came in black, a non issue for me even though the tidal green color of the other model would have been fun to have. They weigh the same, have the same basic frame design – the model I got allows me to sit up a bit more, not upright like my Specialized but not so far forward that my wrist/arms will hurt.
This bike is 15 pounds lighter then my Specialized! 15!

I knew the seat needed to be replaced before I left the store, my butt was getting sore just sittin on it while the Bike Barn guy adjusted this n that to my levels

I picked out a nice cushy seat

Seat changed out, more adjustments made – my new baby was ready to ride
Well cept I wanted to get pedal cages…I’m not at the “clip to your pedal” level of riding yet.  Pedal cages are like the training wheels of the pedal clip world, therefore appropriate for me!

Oh and I needed a water bottle cage…lots of cages in the bike world huh? LOL

Everything changed out, attached, adjusted, bill paid – time to put my new ride in the truck and head home.
Only bummer - I have to wait til tomorrow to ride due to previous obligations *sigh*
Thank you Burt - you were a great help and very patient

Tuesday, December 24, 2013


Holy Guacamole Batman!
Santa brought me a new bike!
Totally caught me off guard, wasn’t even entertaining the possibility
But there it was, the last gift I opened – the tag had some mysterious code on it – inside there was a poem, a picture, and a gift card – I was silent, not sure what to say – I think I smiled, pretty sure I was smiling.  I was smiling inside I know that!  Inside I was all freakin smiles!
The last mention of a new bike was November 10th  after my Tour de Cure 30 mile ride. That day while we ate celebratory burgers and I basked in my 30 mile victory the discussion topic had gone to how inappropriate my Specialized baby was for such rides.  As challenging as it was I was hooked, I knew I wanted to do more rides…but my Specialized was NOT the bike for long rides like the one I had just completed.
Lunch ended, life went on, I continued to ride my Specialized.
Flash forward a month and change and there I sat on Christmas Eve Day, the soon to be proud owner of a bike that was very appropriate for long challenging rides
Oh! Emm! Gee!
I couldn’t find the words, still haven't found the words to accurately and appropriately express my excitement and gratitude.

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Tour de Cure 2013

Take the ride of your life is ADA’s Tour de Cure slogan.  It was my first ever charity ride.
Prior to the ride I mapped out the route – 28 miles and change.  My longest ride so far had been 24 miles, but I’d only done it once.  Started getting nervous, had I bitten off more then I could chew?
I arrived by 7:15a, my ride didn’t start til 8a, since it was my first ride I wanted to make sure and leave plenty of time to get my riding number and get myself organized and ready…course all that took about 15 minutes!
It was a brisk 46 degrees outside and there I was dressed in spandex bike attire with no sleeves.  At that moment I would have paid good money for some sleeves!
All the ceremonial stuff took about 10 minutes and the first wave of riders were on their way.
8a – time to roll out!  They reminded us to shout “Go Red Rider” whenever we passed a fellow Red Rider – I thought “how corny” but went with it.  As we headed out I was still worried I’d fail, wouldn’t be able to complete the route.  There were rest stops at 5, 11, & 20 miles.  I knew I could ride 10-11 miles without issue, but 10-11 miles three times back to back?  Time would tell.
I rode right on past the 5 mile stop.
I did the first 11 miles alone, got passed by a lot of folks but I had expected that – as corny as it was, the cheer GO RED RIDER as they passed me was a good motivator.   I returned the cheer to the Red Riders passing me (look at me bein all corny right along with em).  At the 11 mile stop I pulled in, ate a snack, drank some more water, and text everyone my progress – I was really doin well, keeping a good pace and my butt only kinda hurt.  11 down 17 to go!
Back on the road and again I was alone, nothing to be sad about I ride alone all the time so this was nothing new or different.  What was different was this odd woman who decided I needed company for miles 12-20.  She pedaled up next to me and started a conversation.  I went with it and politely answered back while thinking to myself “please move on”.  As we chatted the miles melted away.  She commented more then once about how much harder I was working on my bike than she on hers, and that I should have gotten a better bike for this ride.  I explained what I was riding was all I had, there was no lightweight option back at the house.  As odd and sometimes annoying as she was chatting with her got me thru those middle miles.  At the 20 mile rest stop we parted ways.
20 miles done! 7 to go, I’ve got this!!
At the 20 mile stop my butt hurt quite a bit more, but the rest of me was feelin good! I was still keeping a good pace, a bit slower then the first 11 miles but still good. The temperature was approaching 70 and now I was glad I didn't have sleeves on!  During the middle miles I developed a squeak so I went over to the Bicycle World tent and had them look at it – a little spray on my chain along with some good hearted teasing the squeak was gone.  Walking back to the refreshment tent…OMG what a darling puppy!!  He was a blue heeler/lab mix named Eli – playing with him for a little bit made me forget all about how much my butt hurt.
I had another little snack, some refreshingly cold water (still had water in my camelbak but it wasn't cold cold anymore) and text everyone my progress.
Seven miles left – I can do this!
Off I went to cheers of GO RED RIDER – I was energized and rarin to go…for the first two miles then my body started to get a bit tired, legs still goin strong but the rest of me wanted a nap!  I kept pushing, I was too close to give up. I was determined not to ride to that finish line in a SAG support truck!
I now loved hearing GO RED RIDER, the cheer seemed to come each time I needed that extra push to keep going during those last miles.
My route monitor tells me I have hit mile 25.
I start talking to myself (yes out loud) - 3 to go, c’mon you can do this, you have already ridden farther then you ever have, let’s add some more miles to that!
About this time the Ride Marshal comes by, slows down and says “About 5 miles left, you can do this Red Rider!” and zips off.  Five miles?!  Nuh-uh! My thing just said three about a half mile ago!
Mile 27 – YES!  I can do this, one mile to go!  Only problem was nothing was looking familiar.
Mile 28 – Ummm I should probably be seeing the mall by now, this is not good
Mile 29 – WTF?! Where the hell is the finish line?!
After mile 29 – Boy it had better say 30 before I cross that finish line!
Mile 30 – GO ME!!!  You are a bike riding rock star!!
As I rode in Anthony was at the final turn taking video, my parents were cheering and taking pics as I approached the finish and my friend was just inside the finish line taking video and pics.  After a small celebration and a few introductions by the finish line my friend headed to her next activity while Anthony, Mom, Dad, and I went to lunch to celebrate my victory. Yeah I know it wasn’t a race and I didn’t come in first, but I did accomplish both goals I set for myself
1 – finish the ride
2 – don’t be the last rider in
As we chatted about the ride the conversation went to discussing the need for a different bike for this type of ride.  I agreed and relayed that I’d lost count of how many people said “I can’t believe you are doing this on THAT bike!” or “Wow, how are you doing this on THAT bike?!”  Both statements followed by GO RED RIDER! as they zipped on ahead of me. Trust me, by the end of the ride I wasn’t even sure how I’d done it on any bike, let alone one not designed for distance riding!
By the time I got home the adrenaline was wearing off and I was feeling the need for a nap.  As I rolled over to get comfy I realized the nap was going to have to wait until after a soak in the tub – from my waist down I was hurting.  Soak done, jammies on, time to get some ZZZ’s – time to dream and relive the best 30 miles ever…it was indeed The Ride of My Life!

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Wash Out

-18.25 miles - not a shabby ride, but not the ride I wanted to do
-Beautiful crisp clear morning (50 degrees cooler than the last time I was at the park)
-I remembered real quick how cold 46 degrees is while on a bike
-1st ride with the Alief Cycle Team
-ACT has a different definition of slow then I do
-I was able to keep up with the ACT...until we reached the actual path!
-Riding with no music and no company is tedious
-Riding with no music allows you to focus on how much your butt hurts
-Seeing friendly faces on the path as they pass going the other way makes you realize how incredibly slow you are actually going
-Mother Nature is a hag!  Yeah I said it, a hag!
-This is how she blocked me today!  The rains from Thursday morning combined with rain Friday night equaled a flooded, unsafe path
*angrily waves fist in the air and curses at Mother Nature*
-May be good the path was blocked - all the extra water along the sides of the path probably has the gators in the "nature area" rather active - zero desire to try and outrun a gator...ever!
-Turned around and rode to the Terry Hershey park side
-Wind decided it was time to BLOW
-Wind and hills do not match
-Wind and I do not match
-Wind doesn't match with anything!
-A bug that flies into your mouth can cause you cough uncontrollably
-Coughing is not always helped with a sip of water
-Spewing water all over when your cough attacks before swallowing is unpleasant
-Nobody being around when you spew your water makes it's slightly less traumatic
-Flying down the hills on the underpasses makes me feel like I should have a cape on
-Pedaling back up the other side makes me feel like I need a push
-Helmet hair extraordinaire!

Mother Nature has messed up my last three long rides with rain...using "The Rule of Three" this must mean everything will be perfect for my Tour de Cure Rain Check Ride next Sunday *fingers crossed*

Monday, October 7, 2013


Just so you are aware
Daytime bugs are smaller and less likely to fly into your face then the bugs that are around at dusk.
Dusk bugs are larger and tend to fly right into your face, up your nose, in your eye, or worst of all in your mouth!  I'm not sure why the dusk bugs have such difficulty avoiding your face/nose/eyes/mouth.  One would think since they appear at dusk they would be visually capable of seeing with less light, this apparently is not the case *she says as she picks a bug from between her teeth*

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Out For A Sunday Pedal

Rode 10 miles today - down to Hwy 90 then on the way home a spin around the tiny park
The 'good' knee was acting up so I wrapped it up and rode anyway
The wind was more of a pain then my knee!
I could really get used to the lower temps
Why do lower temps come with more wind?
When you pedal with the center of your foot it makes your thighs hurt
I was so happy and stress free on this ride - well cept for the thighs hurting part
Such a beautiful day - bikers, joggers, dog walkers littered the streets and sidewalks - we were all over!
Cooler temps make everyone feel outdoorsy 

Monday, September 30, 2013

We're Back!

The Knee brothers and I are back in action!
That's right Surgery Knee, his brother Mr. "Tried to be a bad ass" Knee (known up until 2.5 weeks ago as Good Knee) and I were out makin my bike Go. Go! GO! tonight.

8.5 miles at my regular pace *throws fist into the air victoriously*

Oh and yes, I did incorporate the disappointingly tiny park I found yesterday into my ride tonight - well kinda, there were too many walkers so I rode along side of it and took a few pictures.
Captured almost the entire park in this one shot - told ya it looked bigger on the map!

Sunday, September 29, 2013

A New Park

Find a new park to ride in.

Of course I accepted my challenge - gotta change it up every now and then, keep it interesting
All my gear ready, bike loaded up - I'm off.
Had this park entrance not been on Hwy 6 I would have ridden my bike there, but it was so I didn't (not brave enough for Hwy 6 yet...may never be)
It looked real nice on the map - it'a a small route but if I do a few laps I should be good.  
Did that sign just say something about alligators?!  
Couldn't have...well if it did I'm sure there will be more signs posted.  I drove the mile and some to the parking lot (no more alligator signs posted) - looked to the left to check out the bike path entrance...dirt.  What?!  How is this listed as a bike path when the first ten feet worth of path has so many dips and crevices a bike designed for that terrain would have issues with it! *sigh* Fine!
Pulled up my map app and looked for a new park - gotta hurry, it's lookin like rain.
Found one!
Headed out of the park but before leaving I drove past that sign again...
Shut the front door!! 
It did say something about alligators!!  
I was no longer upset I couldn't ride in this park!
Took the scenic route through Sugar Land to get to the new park
The sky was getting darker - this was not good!  
Find the park. Find the park! Find the park!!
Things start looking familiar - whaddaya know - I've been riding past the neighborhood this park is in for weeks!  As I weave through the neighborhood I'm getting excited to see the park.  What a let down.  It was so tiny.  Looked bigger on the map...

but then, they always do *bummed*  As long as I was there I may as well make the best of it.  
The Plan - take a lap around the park (good for maybe half a mile) and then cruise through the neighborhood.  Off I went...
My reality - pouring rain!  I was across the park from my truck and the skies let loose -pedal faster!!  Bike loaded, no sense in rushing now, I was soaked head to foot.  Got my drippy drenched self in the truck and headed home...course on the way home the rain let up, didn't stop but wasn't pouring anymore either - I could have ridden in that! UGH!  Felt better when it started pouring again after I got home.
It wasn't a total wash, I have a new route now - well a newish route...instead of staying straight and turning around at Hwy 90 I'm going to go left and incorporate this itty bitty park into my ride this week.

Find a new park to ride in.

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Longest. Five. Miles. Ever.

That was the longest five miles ever!
No, not cuz my knee hurt (it didn't) *\o/* <~~cheerleader cheering my knee not hurting 
It was the longest ever because I was going soooo ssslllooowww
Not that I'm a speed demon on a regular day mind you, BUT today was 2 minutes per mile slower than my regular pace. I know, right?!
It was a bit aggravating at times - had to remind myself to celebrate being on my bike *\o/* <~~ celebrating
By about mile 3 I got past the "any slower and I'll be standing still" feeling and had the "out for a Sunday stroll" pace down.
Got home, got in the house (without a limp! *\o/* <~~ she's busy today!), grabbed my ice pack, 15 minutes later it was time to face the rest of the day...still without a limp! *\o/*  *\o/* <~~she brought a friend
I will take it easy on my knee the rest of the day, but damn that ride felt good!
I am a happy girl!

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Tour de Cure Canceled

That was the message I woke up to this morning - ride canceled.
DAMN $#@&% RAIN!!!
While I respect their decision, I can't put into words how disappointed and sad I was.

The first five hours of my day were an emotional rollercoaster - woke up at 5a (without an alarm mind you) totally pumped and ready to ride, then read the text - all routes canceled - I cried. 
The emotions that followed for the next few hours were all over the place! Disappointed, sad, angry, proud, sad again, *rain started falling* understanding, tears falling with the rain, back to proud of what my friends, family, and I did together for the ADA and finally...acceptance (with a small side of bummed out, just a tiny one tho)

Around 11a I threw my Red Rider jersey on and headed out the door to the Tour de Cure Family Fun Fest (all the "after ride" stuff still took place)

When I arrived Rider's Village looked like a ghost town.  The majority of the tents looked just like the tent for Team Red - Houston...empty.  (Team Red is the team I ride for)  I felt bad for the folks that worked so hard pulling all of this together.

They had the start/finish line up for of course I took a picture *grin*

While not riding today was a huge disappointment, my friends, family and I raised $600 for diabetes research! $600! Raising money for the battle against diabetes was the main goal...mission accomplished!

I can't even begin to thank everyone appropriately for all of their support that is given freely on a daily basis, but especially the support these last four months as I got ready for today - they inspire me and make me want to be a better me 

I will find a ride to participate in and will wear my Tour de Cure Red Rider jersey for all of us! In the meantime I'm keeping my chin up, moving forward, and most definitely looking toward Tour de Cure 2014!
"Every time we ride our bikes, we are doing Tour de Cure."

Friday, September 20, 2013

Reasons Riding 10 Is Better

A week ago today I mysteriously injured my knee.
I know! 
Could the timing have been worse?!  
OK I realize I'm being a Drama Queen.
It could have been worse, but this was pretty bad in my book!
In the last week I have been unable to walk without crying at times - had to wrap my knee and struggle through the day at work - ice it down at lunch - use a crutch to get around.
As the week progressed it got better, I was going to be able to participate in the ride after all.
A least one would think that right?
Nope, not me.  
The immediate picture in my mind was what an epic fail this was.
I was no longer going to be able to ride the 27 mile route I trained the last four months to ride, I have to ride the 10 mile route instead. 
I cried when this realization hit me on Wednesday evening, I cried a lot.  
I've since had a bit of time to try and adjust my thinking and find things to celebrate about riding the 10 mile route - this is what I've come up with:
  • I still get to participate
  • Shorter route is better for my knee - 17 miles less stress on it
  • With the help of my friends and family I have raised $600 for a good cause, yes $600!
  • My Camelbak will be lighter since I will only have to fill it halfway
  • We ride rain or shine - it's raining now and supposed to continue through tomorrow so a shorter route means I won't have to ride as long with glasses that need windshield wipers
  • I won't have to ride as long soaking wet
  • A shorter route leaves less time for rain related accidents (slipping around the corners and such)
  • It's so muggy outside it's hard to breath - the shorter distance means less worry about breathing...wait, that didn't sound right...well you know what I mean
  • Zero risk of overheating and not completing the route
  • I don't have to get up as early. I know. I know. I'll be up anyway, but the point is I won't have to be

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Mommy's Bike

Today is the 14th and as you know my bike has been in the shop since the 8th - I have not been a happy girl!
I was finally able to go out for a ride this morning thanks to my Mom lending me her bike.  I know, way cool of her huh? Since we have the same model bike there wasn't too much difference between our bikes.

Well there were a few things...

Like the bell - OMG it was so cute! *ding*ding ding* I swear I sang "You Can Ring My Bell" *ding* for at least half my ride! LOL
Mom needs the bell since her riding environment is littered with pedestrians (such problems those pedestrians, always jogging & walking in the way *giggle*)
My riding environment is littered with large motor vehicles...a bell *ding* would have no effect.

Mom's bike has a smaller frame - sat on her seat and my feet were flat on the ground with my knees ever so slightly bent - had to raise the seat a bit - pretty sure that's why Dad marked her seat position with tape.
With a smaller frame comes less weight - damn near slung it out of the truck when I offloaded it, I was expecting a weight closer to my own bike! Surprise! LOL

Funny enough Mom's saddle squeaks - my saddle squeaks - hers has a different sound and adjusting my butt didn't make it stop - depending on where I sit on my saddle dictates whether the squeak is present or not - I was going to WD-40 Mom's saddle when I got home but wasn't sure if she liked her squeak, they do have a rhythm. Mine says 'Go Girl, Go Girl!' Mom's sounded more like 'Ride it, Ride it' or maybe that was 'ribbit, ribbit' - either way WD-40 is Dad's job now.

While Mom does not have a headlight (refer back to riding environments) she does have a nifty mileage 'computer'...I don't know how it works so I couldn't play with it *sigh*
It did automatically read out my MPH tho - that was cool.

Oh and we match with our bike combinations...kinda sorta not really in a way
OK well I thought it was kinda funny, how many mothers and daughters do you know that do that kind of stuff without planning it?  Oh never mind.

Anyway despite the differences it rode the way I knew it would...just like mine. It felt so good to be out riding again. Thanks Mom!

Saturday, September 7, 2013

The Place Where The Landscape Ends...

The place where the landscape ends is met by the ferry dock – the smell of the salt water – mist on your face - dolphins breaching and playing – you watch them intently - feeling as free as they do – floating on the water - swaying to the ebb and flow – carefree – no worries – happy – at ease.

The place where the landscape ends is met by the waves tumbling to the beach. The soothing sounds of roaring water. The ends of the waves touching your toes then gone. Gulls fly and call to you - freeing your mind to soar thru the skies – worries fall away – not a care in the world. The warmth of the sun radiates thru the sand up into your body – making your day bright – feeling pleased - content. Holding hands with the one you love as the gulf waters rush over your feet - forward then back. 

The place where the landscape ends is met by the seawall - walking side by side – saying nothing but hearing how much you love one another – love courses thru your clasp hands – blissful – loved – satisfied – you are full – you have enough – life is good – you can face anything together. 

Tumbling waves, warm sand, calling gulls, shining sun, salty mist, the ebb and flow, dolphins playing, the one you love – you are complete and content at the place where the landscape ends.
That was my day - spent in my favorite place with my favorite person...where the landscape ends...

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

An Evening Ride

-Sugar Land Honda & Toyota drivers you are rude - I was in the bike lane where I was sposed to be, you had an entire lane, no need to get that close!!
-Sugar Land Chevy & Dodge drivers are much nicer, they swing wide even when you're in the bike lane and they don't have to
-Shout out to the big diesel Dodge truck for stayin behind me and blockin traffic when there was no bike lane, much appreciated
-From my house to Hwy 90 via Burney is 4 miles
-I'm spoiled to my bike shorts - butt hurts without them
-I'm thinkin a gel seat cover would be nice too
-Can't wait for my CamelBak to get here, that's right, it's going on short rides with me too
-Had to fight and pedal hard to get down to Hwy 90, but it was a breeze comin back - no really, it was - the wind was at my back
-I think the Sugar Land cop was bored so he was stalking me - s'all good I was in the bike lane and following the traffic laws, and to answer your question...Yes, I did do a seatbelt check when I first saw him
-As it got a bit darker I found myself impressed with how far my blinking light reflected off things...til I heard the thunder and realized that was lightning flashing, not my light reflecting
-It was so hot I looked like I showered in my clothes by the time I got home
-Totally exhausted...what a great feeling!

Saturday, August 17, 2013

A True “Give A Mouse A Cookie” Moment

-Texting with a friend
-Rex starts barking
-Go see why Rex is barking and decide to go out and play with the furs
-Come in from playing with the furs see the coffee maker, now I want a cup of coffee
-While making the coffee I see the bread and think a piece of toast would taste good
-Put a slice of bread in the toaster walk past the dishwasher and see the green ‘clean’ light is lit
-Start emptying the dishwasher *toast pops* while putting the pots and pans away I see the cupboard needs reorganizing
-Reorganize the cupboard and get pots and pans back in their ‘correct’ places
-Grab toast on the way back to the dishwasher, reach for the jelly in the fridge – no jelly
-Walk over to the pantry and grab a new jar of jelly, can’t help but notice a few things on the 'wrong shelves' *Me OCD? Nah!*
-Again with the reorganizing but this time the pantry
-Back to my toast, jelly applied and bite taken
-Go back to emptying the dishwasher
-Dishwasher emptied, toast eaten, coffee poured
-Return to my phone and resume the text conversation
-Rex starts barking…

If You Give A Mouse A Cookie (read by Michael Harris)

Thursday, August 8, 2013

How Neece Makes Ginger Root Tea

Use any size piece you like - this size piece will make two batches for me

I use old 26oz pickle jars to hold my tea - I sip on it all day
I was taught to make this using a glass container with a lid - emphasis on the glass part...somethin about the tea reacting with the plastic and bein bad for ya...besides an old water bottle would fold in on itself when you add the boiling water!

Put 3 cups of water on to boil - now let's find something else to do cuz ya know a watched pot never boils!

Take out your honey bear - you will need him later

Peeling the ginger is a preference thing - if you do want to peel it use the edge of a spoon. Yes, the edge of a spoon (learned that in the cooking class I've been going to)
Once it's peeled (or not) cut it in half, then in strips - they do not have to be uniform in size

Keep in mind this is enough for two batches so you will only need half as much (or less depending on your tastes)
Put the ginger strips into your glass container.

Remember your honey bear? Grab him and drizzle some honey over the ginger. This is a "to taste" thing as well so start with a small amount, you can always add more later.  You can add lemon at this point too - I have never tried it so I'd suggest to add it in just like the honey, a little at a time.

Your water should be boiling by now

Pour the boiling water into your container, put the lid on, walk away.  

Let the ginger steep until the water cools a bit (like making regular tea).  Once it's at the temperature you desire take off the lid and enjoy!

Oh! You want to know what to do with the ginger strips in your container...leave 'em there, take 'em out - your choice.  Keep in mind if you are sipping on this all day and leave the strips in, the closer your container gets to empty the stronger the ginger flavor will be.  **add a fresh basil leaf to take some of the edge from the ginger

Using Ground Ginger
Measure 1/4 teaspoon of ground ginger into a heat proof mug or glass and pour 1 cup of boiling water over it. Cover with a saucer and let sit until cool enough to drink before straining. (I line a fine mesh strainer with a coffee filter to do so.) Sweeten with honey or sugar as desired. 

Info on Ginger Tea

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Too Hot - Had To Go Short

Not much to report this morning, the 6.35 miles went by rather quickly
- taking a shorter ride, while a bummer, was a good choice
- Wendy (neighborhood dog) does not like me on a bicycle
- Wendy runs pretty fast!
- humidity is the devil
- the old man who sits in his garage and watches traffic has upgraded from a lawn chair to a lazyboy recliner
- our neighborhood has no frictional drag, wind just whips right on thru!
- the construction crew must like big butts in spandex...I got a few wolf whistles this morning
- wolf whistles can make you feel cute
- our neighborhood has less traffic after 7a then it does after 7p
- key lime yogurt after a ride is surprisingly refreshing
- still love the flat - it makes for good time splits
- the lovely cool breeze that kicked up after my ride, where was it during my ride?! *shakes fist in the air and yells "You're not right right Mother Nature, you're just not right!"*
- the look on a dog's face when it runs out of leash while chasing me never gets old

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

A Quick 5.5 Miles

Even on short rides in the neighborhood I learn a few things
- set the headlight to flashing OR the blue light on the frame to flashing, not both
- 5 year olds think I have a cool bike. No really, they said so.  "That bike is so cool!" exclaimed Child A "What kind of bike is that?" questioned Child B  "A really cool one!" answered Child A "Yeah!" agreed Child B
- a headlight and a flashing blue light on your bike makes you cool to 5 year olds
- my neighborhood is flat
- flat is fast
- my neighborhood is an endless wind tunnel
- nighttime dark is darker than early morning dark
- nighttime dark is kinda scary
- dark makes you not care about the wind
- need a new battery for my taillight
- busy streets are unnerving at night
- flat and dark make you pedal faster regardless of the wind
- logging a 5.10 minute mile pace makes you want to ride on flat in the dark again
- I do not miss getting chased by dogs

Sunday, July 28, 2013

16 Miles and Only One Stop - Yea Me!

- I forgot my playlist only lasts 12 miles
- restarting your playlist while riding, not as easy as one would think
- good to see I'm not the only one who does the "butterfly stretch" one leg at a time to adjust the crotch of your shorts while riding
- my surgery knee really hurt this morning...until the one legged rider zipped past me making me glad my knee was there to hurt
 - judging by the bazillion bike riders at the park, Sunday is the best day for riding (OK you're right I'm exaggerating, it was 2-3 less than a bazillion)
- eight miles without stopping is uncomfortable
- eight miles without stopping is even more uncomfortable on the return trip
- decided to eat a light breakfast before riding to see if having more than OJ in my system made the end of the ride any better
- note to self - go back to just OJ
- buzzin past my usual rest stops just seemed wrong
- I found the other turnaround on the George Bush side of the park system, it's at Fry road
- turnaround to turnaround and back should be 26-27 miles - my next goal
- new places to enter the park are still hard to find even with Google maps
- all the riding groups and pairs out this morning made me miss having a riding partner
- sign posted: Nature Area - Watch For Alligators   Seriously?!
- didn't take any chances, pedaled faster in nature area
- wonder if the people walking off the path 'in the woods' with the small dog knew they were in the nature area - probably should have warned them
- my thighs look great...while held in place with spandex
- start/finish was at the Harris County Precinct #5 parking lot - yes I had seatbelt guilt
- tandem bike riders really have their partner's back
- saw Sexy Spandex again today, boy he makes his bike look good!
- bet hubby would look equally as good in spandex *starts looking at Academy ads*
- Secret - strong enough for a man but made for a woman...unless she's on a long bike ride in 90+ temps, then it gets questionable.
- the swings have quotes from the families, benches have nothing
- Fit & Active sour cream & onion cracker crisps and coffee do not go well together
- hubby said my butt looks cute in my bike shorts.  I love him for lying to me!

Friday, July 19, 2013

People Watching

Let me preface this story by saying I know we all have to start somewhere and I hope these two continue, but it still didn't stop me from being amused.

When I go to the park with the four little people JoJo and I get a chance to people watch while they play.
Yesterday people watching was good for a laugh.
Two 20-something slightly pudgy gentlemen entered the park dressed to workout carrying water bottles, jump ropes, face towels, iPods, with determined but pleasant looks on their faces.
I thought to myself  "Guess we will finally see the workout stations around the track being used"

The serious boys stretched, jogged in place, stretched some more, put their earbuds in place and started their run around the track

I was directly across from where they started, when they passed JoJo and I saying they were winded is putting it mildly! They were working hard (at a pace not much above a power walk)
They got back to their start point and looked like they were about to die! Flopped down on the bench, leaned forward, elbows on knees, breathing like they had just finished a marathon...instead of 1/10 of a mile, that's right the track is one tenth of a mile long.  After several minutes of recovery time it was time to jump rope.
They grabbed their ropes like they were going to sure enough show anyone watching just how jumping rope should be done!  Ten jumps later they were back on the bench...dying.  Recovery time for jumping rope is several minutes longer then recovery time for running around the track.

Fully recovered it's time to run again, but first we stretch riiiiiight leg, leeeeeft leg, jog in place for 1,2,3,4,5 and start. This lap was not going to go well for the boys, breathing was labored a quarter of the way into their lap.  Legs quickly turning to jello as they passed JoJo and I.  
One of them fell back, being able to continue quickly became an issue...could he push thru the pain...did he have the will to complete the lap?  He did! (I high fived him in my mind)  Again it was time to collapse on the bench gasping for breath.  Do they have enough left in em to jump rope again? I wondered to myself.  They did!  They grabbed their ropes, dragged them to their 'jumping spots' and attempted to start jumping.  Guy A - 1, 2, tangled up...straighten the rope out with a look on his face that let you know he blamed the rope for the mess up 3, 4, 5, 6. tangled, ropes fault, 7, 8, 9, 10 threw the misbehaving rope to the ground and returned to the bench.  Meanwhile Guy B wasn't doing much better - apparently the last lap he ran (and nearly didn't finish) took a whole lot out of him - he was having trouble getting the rope over his head! 1, back of the head, straighten rope out, 2, 3, back of the head, fix the rope, foouu, nope back of the head - look at rope as if wondering how it stopped working since it's last use, try again, 4, 5, 6, back of the head...throws rope down, returns to bench looking as if tears were going to burst forth at any moment
The boys remained on the bench, breathing returned to normal, and smiles even crept onto their faces.  They sat and talked for a while.  When they felt they had enough energy they gathered their items, high fived each other and walked to the car.
2/10 of a mile, 20 jumps (well for one of them at least), and 40 minutes later - workout complete.